Chapter 12

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You guys, I am soo sorry it took so long! Life gets in the way of living , eh? Anyway. Here's a new chappy for you to eat up(:

Vote, Fan, Comment, SMILE! <3


The week went by as a blur of lies, faces, fake smiles, mumbled words. I never told Casey about the horrible note. There was no need, she would just be unnecessarily frightened. I couldn't handle that, on top of everything else. Cain constantly tried to divert my attention, which I was thankful for. But, it was always there, nagging in the back of my mind. Like an annoying countdown to a tragedy. I was now sitting in seventh period, looking out the window.
I think I underestimated who I was dealing with. Who knows what our father was capable of? The clouds rolled around in the sky, stretching and bending in the warm light. Risa leaned over her desk, watching me. I ignored her, like I had been doing. I wanted to be able to run over and hug her and be like the Best Friends we were. But, I had to shy away from her. Be cold.
If dad found out about her... I shut my eyes, not wanting to picture it. The bell squealed and everyone sprinted from the room. I gathered my things briskly, fleeing the room before Risa could open her mouth. Guilt was tugging on my insides and I thought about going back. No. She can't be apart of it. I leaned against the hood of Cain's car, closing my eyes against the cold.
"Hey," A voice sad, appearing in front of me. I opened my eyes lazily, to be greeted with one of the jocks. Not again. All my bruises had disappeared and I couldn't give Cain a good reason to leave my hood on. Everyone noticed. All week guys were approaching me and I would laugh and shoot 'em down. I never expected Cain to be the jealous type, but the way he looked when another one came to me was... well, it was hilarious! All jealous and angry.
This jock had lighter hair and pale blue eyes. He might have been someone I could have liked, if I wasn't with Cain, of course.
"Wanna do someone tonight?" He winked, probably at his own innuendo. I opened my mouth to respond but, was stopped when an arm wound around my waist.
"I think not, Mark. Not scurry away." Cain's voice was low and menacing. Mark's eyes widened and he ran for the hills, literally. I giggled. It was a high, tittering sound.
"Look at you, being all jealous and such." I teased. A blush heated Cain's cheeks and he muttered something like 'Whatever.' This brought out another bought of laughter from me. He gave me a glare and jumped in the driver's seat, crossing his arms. He countinued to pout at me through the windshield. I rolled my eyes and jumped in the car. We made a stop at Cambridge and then home. I smiled at Casey and Jake in the backseat, flirting and laughing. So cute! I then cursed myself for sounding like a Malibu barbie.
We pulled into their drive and everyone hopped out, happy for the weekend. As Casey and Jake sped ahead, me and Cain hung back. I took his hand as we strolled up their long driveway. Cain appraised me with emerald eyes and I flushed a little under his gaze. I pushed open the front door with a smile. After pulling Cain in after me, I listened for Casey and Jake. I heard footsteps padding around upstairs and let out a breath.
I grabbed Cain's shirt and pulled him down to me, pressing my lips to his. He tasted minty and sweet. Like the best candy. I sighed, our mouths still pressed together. Just like this first time, everything in the world seemed right. Perfectly in balance. After a minute he pulled away and I felt my lips slip into a pout. He laughed at my expression and pecked my lips.
I grinned. He returned it, pulling me into the living room and flicking on the t.v. The hours traveled fast while I laid on Cain's chest and before I knew it, the footsteps upstairs died down and the darkness outside was overwhelming. I lifted my body sluggishly and went upstairs, startled to find that Casey and Jake had fallen asleep. No dinner? Wow.
I booked it back downstairs, seeing Cain had passed out as well. Hmm, the whole house was knocked out. Cain's mom went away for the weekend and asked us to handle the dinner. I listened closely to my stomach..nothing. I wasn't hungry, but I was tired. I trudged along through the corridors and pushed open Cain's door.
I dropped on the bed, missing it dearly. I rolled so my nose was to the blankets. It smelled like him. Strong and sweet, with a hint of spice. That's what I focused on. The fear ebbed away and my sense dulled as I was pulled under.


Light splashed on my face and I groaned at it. Not now. I flipped over and hit something hard. My eyes flew open immediately and saw Cain, looking peaceful in his sleep. All the lines of stress had disappeared, making his skin smooth. I snuggled up to his side and sighed in content. Just his presence seemed to make everything okay.
I lifted a hand and ran it threw his silky dark hair. He smiled in his sleep. I laughed softly and rolled back over. I looked around the room, waiting for sleep to take me in again. The sun's rays tilted through the window on something pure white. Huh? I got up with care, to not disturb Cain. I tip-toed near it and swallowed. It looked similar to the note that ...... No. It couldn't be. I laughed again, it was a hysterical sound.
I bent over and picked up the note, wincing at the crinkling noise. I unfolded it's edges and shut my eyes. Did I want to do this? Did I want this to happen again? But, if it had something important in it I would never know. Maybe Clara left it? As soon as the thought came about, I knew I was wrong.
Clara was a colorful woman she wouldn't have just left a mysterious note to be found. I sucked in a deep breath and opened my eyes. It took them a second to focus.

Then I screamed.

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