Chapter 18

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Okay! Here you guys go! Another Thrilling chapter ;D A kinda-Cliffy as well. Love you!

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A stinging in my right arm woke me and I touched it, willing it to go away. There was a chilling feel of metal around my wrist. What the hell? I opened my eyes, but nothing changed. It was still dark.

I let my eyes adjust to the dark, relieved to know I was still in Cain's room. A shadow approached my from the right and I tried to scream. There was a rag tied around my mouth. So the only sound that came out was muffled. The shadow stepped into the moonlight and light slanted across his face.


  "Little bitch. I knew you were whoring around." His voice was colder and darker than the last time, frighteningly so. I eyed the pistol in his hand as he neared me. He bent down to my height, laughing. I glared a him with so much hate, I'm surprised he didn't keel over.

  He ran the tip of  the gun down my cheek, tsking. Tears started falling from my eyes and I yanked at the handcuffs. The other end was connected to the bedpost. I looked back up at Father, scooting back.

  I dug my nails into the wood, peeling some back. He stepped closer.

"Ahh, Kat. So young," He began.

 "Yet so ugly and stupid." His hand flew across my face, like in my dream last night. My head whipped back from the force. I pulled harder on the handcuffs, getting no response besides and annoying tinkling of metal.

  Dad began insulting me, telling me how he never loved me, but it fell on deaf ears. I jingled the metal, giving up quickly. Instead, I dug my nails deeper in the wood with anger. Ah! Make noise.

  Even though I felt the rag on my mouth was strangling me, I focused on other things. If I can warn the others. I tried twisting my wrist to reach the wall and knock, but it didn't work.

  Whew, I was going to pay for this later. I threw my head back, landing it in the middle of the wall, creating a resounding thud that I wished was louder. Dad stopped talking and I took my chance, flinging my head back again.

  After the second time, he sprang into action, stacking pillows behind me. He pointed the gun at me and made the 'shh' signal. There was a dramatic pause. The silence was stuffy, filled with ragged breathing and fear. No sound came from behind the door. All was silent.


 "Well, sweetie pea, I think that's enough for this visit. Don't worry, Daddy will come for you soon." He gave me a psychotic smile and raised the gun. I thought her was going to hit me with it. Instead, he brought his fist down and knocked me in the back of my head, turning out the lights.


  My eye twitched and opened slowly. I yawned and stretched, watching light from the window splatter across the carpet. I brought my arms down and gasped. Last Night! Fear built up in my chest, thousands of feet high.

  But, as I looked around, everything seemed normal. Not a thing was out of place. My head didn't hurt. I lifted my wrists and eyed them, seeming the same as they had the night before. Was... was it just a dream? Did I imagine it?

  The more I thought about it, the less real it seemed. The details were blurry. How could he sneak in and out so fast? I rubbed across my mouth, feeling for any discomfort... there was none. Just another nightmare.

  I still felt a lingering fright. Even though all signs pointed to my sub-conscious playing tricks, I could feel it. I could feel the metal restraining my wrists, the pain shooting through my skull, the slap across my face.

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