Chapter Six

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I do as he orders and I get comfortable on top of the soft sheets. I'm afraid now and he can probably smell that like most of them can, though he doesn't comment on it. He takes his shirt off and my heart begins to race.

"Relax," he says. "It's just my process. You will stay clothed, I promise."

I nod. He crawls over the bed, his muscles flexing as he positions himself on top of me. He picks my hand up and splats it against his hairy chest. It makes me wonder if every creature has their own process to feeding like this. If there's things they prefer to do and don't do, things they'll experiment with to see if it's any better. There's many things I imagined happening when the time finally came. I imagined a creature ignoring me completely, not speaking a word, not having the emotional capacity to comprehend my pain or fear but Cain isn't like that. When he looks at me, he sees me. No such ignorance in his gaze, he sees the girl that is giving her life for his.

"Keep your hand here," he says. "If the pain is overwhelming then you can claw."

Overwhelming? How overwhelming? Painful like my monthly periods or something else entirely? I don't know what to expect and my heart is beating so loudly that he can hear it. My legs push up from the nerves and he turns and collapses them.

"Keep your body relaxed," he says. He keeps his hand on my leg, softly bringing it back up to my hip. "If you try and fight it then it'll just be worse for the both of us. Don't force me to hold you down."

I try to relax but I'm still trembling. I guess he was kind to me because he had to be, because I'm the completed soul that he has to please in order to stop me from ever contemplating suicide. But in this moment, he doesn't have to be kind. He can feed from me all in one go, he could kill me today. He's going to read my thoughts in a few moments, he will see my jump from the rooftop so even if the idea wasn't is in head, it will be soon.

"Just touching you is. . . incredible," he mutters as he his hand grazes along my arm. "I can't imagine what tasting you will be like." His face comes down to my throat and I feel his hot lips against it.

In the next moment, my whole body becomes strange. The pressure starts in my stomach, like butterflies, warm and so fuzzy, and then it explodes all over me. My legs tremble uncontrollably, my heart races beyond comprehension. I've never had an orgasm before but that's the only thing to describe it. He isn't even touching me and I can feel a sexual desire for him, as though my body is being chained to whatever the hell he's doing to me. My fingers claw against his chest and I need something better to hold on to so I press them into his shoulder. I squeeze around his bone so tightly but I don't think he can even feel it. I look at him but he's out of it, there's no expression on his face, it's as though he's paralyzed. The pressure deepens and deepens, it never ends. I am gasping towards the ceiling, pinching my eyes closed as it takes me on so many rides that the only option is to crash into something. I think that it's going away but then suddenly, one final explosion happens and I can't contain the scream from my lips. Not a scream of pain like I imagined, but a scream of pure random ecstasy. It suddenly stops as he throws himself backwards away from me. I open my eyes, holding a hand to my heart as he turns his back to me. I stare at the scars imprinted into each shoulder blade, the mark of his wings.

Cain stumbles around his bedroom, his body bashing into bookshelves and ornaments that just fall to the floor. He does this for a while, just clearing tables of all the objects as he throws things at walls and carries on stumbling with no desirable direction. Then, suddenly, his wings unfurl from his shoulders. Two beautifully, white-coloured sails burst up towards the ceiling. The impact makes me push myself up the headboard as the wave of air hits me. Cain falls to his knees, turned away from me, while his wings remain large and magnificent above him. They are so big that they just graze the high ceiling, flapping gently to themselves.

I am still panting from the sensations that my body felt, I'm still confused and strangely sexually frustrated in a way I've never been before. Now I know why the creatures always asked each other how their victim tasted, because even I want to know. Whatever happened to him, it was pretty powerful. He stays on the floor; I think he's holding his face but I can't be sure. I don't want to startle him so I remain silent. I watch some birds in a tree through the window, becoming interested in that for moment. His wings spring back to his shoulders and he cranks his neck, slowly starting to rise to his feet. He walks over to the other side of the room and picks up a bottle inside a cupboard, he tips it into his throat. He's trying his best not to look at me. Is it that bad?

I see a chair against the wall that I plan to go to, mainly because still laying in this bed is making me uncomfortable. I leave the bed with trembling legs; I have to hold the wall to walk.

"Don't walk!" he shouts.

I become breathless and dizzy. My vision starts to go blurry and I hold my head as the entire room spins. I fall to the ground seconds later.

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