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This book is dedicated to the defenseless and terrified animals of vivisection around the world.

But more than that, it's dedicated to the MBR BEAGLES of the UK. The dogs that are forcefully impregnated at puppy farms to produce puppies that are legally sold to laboratories across the UK and then tortured with toxicology tests until they are dead and thrown into the garbage.

Animal testing is considered to be the most evil and barbaric practise of humanity and it is STILL happening. If you are in the UK, like me, and didn't know that they still use dogs for vivisection then I urge you to WAKE UP.

Animal testing is NOT banned. There are loopholes that the government can go through and they've been keeping this a secret from the public for years.

Look your dog in the eye right now and imagine pouring bleach down its throat in a mask that it cannot even scream through, holding it still so it cannot move and then timing its death. This is happening to beagles here in the UK. Considered to be the friendliest dog breed, they are chosen because they will not fight back.

Join the Camp Beagle fight on facebook and lets close down this horrific puppy farm and expose all of those sociopathic workers that are needlessly torturing dogs for MONEY.

If you feel uncomfortable with humans being enslaved, bred for murder and slaughtered in loneliness (like the plot of this book) then why aren't you ENRAGED that this is happening in this country to man's best friend? To animals around the world?

Humans are no more important than animals. We are playing with fire. We are a parasite to this world and it is my absolute pleasure to give you a book that exposes humans for just how weak and cruel we are. You might think the creatures are evil but the question is. . . are we any different?

Thank you also to all the readers that have picked up on the comparison between the humans killed in this book and the animals that are suffering out there in cages.


Thanks for reading!

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