Chapter Thirty-Six

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I didn't mean it. I take it back. I thought those words to myself for most of the night and I've carried them over into the morning. I couldn't say them out loud and I've been fighting with my choice since Cain gave it to me.

Cain slept in my bed last night with me, nothing happened because I fell asleep too fast and when I woke up, he was gone. He said something about preparations before I fell asleep, that he'd need to summon the world leaders for an intimate meeting. He also said that I'd be present for that and I don't understand why he can't see that it's a bad idea. It's like he doesn't even see me as a human anymore, he's blinded by his feelings for me. He believes we are equal and we will never be equal.

I wait for Christian with my back straight against the chair. I've been building a monologue in my head, studying every version of the truth with precise delicacy. I considered just telling him that Cain is forcing me to be his Queen but I couldn't go through with a lie like that. I know I will lose Christian; I know I will never have his trust again. I just hope he can also see the good in it.

I swallow and raise my head higher when the door opens, the words push up my throat quickly. Better to just get it over with. I meet his eyes and I surrender myself to those painful words.

"Gianna's dead," Christian says, dropping the tray onto the table angrily. "She died last night. Just thought you should know."

I close my mouth, swallowing the words back down as new ones rise up. "I'm sorry."

"I offered to kill her, Aurora." He drops into the seat numbly. "Like you did with Wendy. I would have risked my life to do it. But she wouldn't let me. Blake did everything he could to try and preserve her, he tried to save her life. Ironic that, isn't it?"

I reach over for the coffee as his eyes bore into my face. I didn't know Gianna as well as Christian or Natalie but I still feel saddened by her death. I told her that she didn't have to be afraid here all those weeks ago at the dinner party. I should have known better.

"Did he consume her?" I say.

"I don't know, I didn't ask. I can't imagine he'd just let her die naturally after weeks of feeding on her. He probably realized there was nothing else he could do and put her out of her misery." He looks across the room, his eyes narrowing. "Is that a television?"

"Christian, I need to tell you something." I take a deep breath, rubbing my fingers together on the table. "You're going to hate me for it but I wanted you to be the first to know."

"Know what?"

"Cain has asked me to be his Queen and I accepted."

Christian laughs. I wasn't expecting that reaction and I stare at him cautiously. His laughter drowns out, his eyes meeting mine with a look of terror. "You're. . . you're not joking?"

I shake my head. "Cain and I. . . we're together. Together together. I know that it doesn't make sense but-"

"You're damn right it doesn't make sense," he says. "Explain it to me."

"Feeding on me gave him human desires. Human emotions. We've grown closer."

Christian leans back. "Closer?"

"We are sleeping together," I whisper. It's the first time I've said the words out loud and I can hear how ridiculous it is. "I know that hurts you and I wish there was a way that I could take away that pain but I can't lie to you."

"What has he done to you?" Christian questions. "I don't even know who you are anymore."

"He's good, Christian," I say. "He's different from the others. I am bonded to him and neither of us can break it."

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