Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"A theme park?" Christian says in disbelief, his eyes widening with a childish sparkle of excitement. "How is he going to pull that off?"

We're laying on loungers beside the swimming pool on the grounds. Blake stays close, he gives me distance but he won't take his eyes from me. Some of my bruises are still visible but it's such a nice day that I begged Cain to find me a swimming costume to wear. He did, eventually, though I think it was Bella's because she keeps glaring at me from across the pool. Then again, that could be because of a variety of reasons. Samson is here too; he's enjoying a swim with a couple of the owned girls. I've never met them before but one of them is the girl that tried to save his life. She probably did. If she hadn't alerted me then things would have gone very differently yesterday. Blake returned with Samson yesterday afternoon and informed us that he had an inoperable brain tumour. It wouldn't have been caused by injury but the injuries made it worse, it made it life-threatening. Blake said he only has a few days left at most and Samson has taken his fate well. He's using his freedom to enjoy every moment. I'm still unsure if I had something to do with that, if I somehow healed his pain and trauma by merely touching him. Cain never expanded on what it actually meant, probably because he has no idea.

"He's searching for creatures that have theme park knowledge from engineers and workers," I say. "They are going to open three tomorrow and all the humans can visit."

"From all over the world?"

I nod. "Cain agrees that they deserve some fun."

Christian looks away, a small sigh breaks out from his lips, making me stare at him.

"What?" I say. "You don't think it's a good idea?"

"I think it's a great idea," he says. "But most of them will be too tired or broken to even stay conscious through the flight there, let alone walk around a theme park. The children will love it but the owned humans? Is it really fair for them to watch everyone enjoying themselves when they can't?"

I bite on my nail as I lean back into the lounger. "Why did you have to make this depressing?"

"Sorry," he says. "I'm a realist. I'm sure they'll all love it."

I lean down under the lounger bed and I take out a notepad and pen. This was a gift from Cain this morning, he said to use it if I needed to contact him. I write the instructions very carefully, hoping the paper doesn't become damaged during the flight.

"Blake," I call.

Blake is at my side in seconds, before I've even finished writing the note. I fold it twice and I hand it to him.

"Give this to a guard to send to Cain," I say. "Tell them it's important and to be careful."

"Right away."

"Thank you."

Christian tenses angrily and relaxes when Blake walks away. "What did you write?"

"I told him to make sure there's wheelchairs available."

Christian smiles. "Got him wrapped around your finger, haven't you?"

"I'm honestly starting to believe that he hates his entire species," I say. "He feels absolutely nothing when he kills them. . . or tortures them. You should have seen him in that throne room. He doesn't care about them, about their opinions or anger or even their heartbreak. I think I'm the only person he's ever apologized to and meant it."

Christian laughs. "He's the King, Aurora. He can't show them weakness, ever. But putting you in that throne room yesterday was the worst thing he ever could have done."

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