Chapter Nineteen

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Like most burials that I've witnessed over the years, there is silence. The crowd of humans gather around the hole in the ground, some wearing black, while others do not care about tradition and stand in petite, colourful dresses. I seem to be the only one shedding tears. Even though they knew Wendy, and liked her, they wouldn't have been able to open themselves up to being close to her. It's how the nanneries operated too. We comforted each other but we never formed close bonds, it just made saying goodbye harder.

Cain is here, watching us from a safe distance across the field. He stands beside a big oak tree with his arms folded. Having his eyes on them is making the others nervous, especially the slaves. They haven't even looked at me during the burial, while the girls glare so hard that I can feel their envy from feet away.

Jackson stands close to me but I do not touch him. I do not give away any indication that he is important to me or to the King. Christian stands at his other side, also keeping a distance from me. Every time he moves he has to hold his ribs, the creature really hurt him and I haven't had the chance to apologize. It was a different slave that escorted me from the room today, like Cain is deliberately keeping us apart.

I am so tired. I hardly slept last night, if at all. It was my last chance to do so and I gave it up because it didn't seem right. I cast my attention to the sky, watching the dozens of guards sweep through the air, bending around the towers and dropping onto the roof.

I'm grateful that I can finally be outside, finally breathe in the fresh air of the world before I die for good today. It just hurts that it has to be because of Wendy's death. I flick my eyes down and they meet Hector's across the field. He quickly looks away, a lump in his throat.

"Back inside," Bella commands. "We are hungry."

"I'll see you soon," I whisper to Jackson.

The slaves go back inside, following Bella and her group of pure souls like dogs. Some of the other girls remain though, the ones that Cain saved. Gianna meets my eyes and moves around the plot to stand next to me.

"She was so kind to us," she whispers. "We couldn't have gotten through this last week without her. I heard her owner took off after consuming her, that he just left his other humans behind. They are confused." Gianna flicks her eyes to two girls across from us, they keep their eyes down, as though they're praying. "What will become of them?"

"New ownership," I say.

Gianna sighs. "She deserved better."

"Yeah," I say, agreeing. "She did."

"Is he waiting for you?" Gianna flicks her head towards Cain.

I nod.

She bends down and places a hand on top of the raised soil. "Goodbye, my friend."

She turns to leave, the other girls following her back into the palace. I take a deep breath as I wipe my cheeks. My eyes meet Cain's across the field but he doesn't move. I make my way over to him, my boots crushing into the fallen leaves of the trees.

"Aren't you worried about the creatures seeing us together?" I ask quietly.

"There is no reason to worry after today," he says. I shiver at his meaning, a noise of amused disbelief leaving my mouth. "Come on, let's go for a walk."

I'm not in the mood for a walk but he doesn't give me a choice. He starts pacing down the path and I sigh as I follow him. He slows down, allowing me to catch up, and our arms graze each other when I reach him. I fold them, keeping them tight to my chest. He acts like it never happened.

"I've never seen so many of the humans gathered for one burial before," he says. "She will be missed."

"Cain, where are we going?" I groan, turning back to glimpse the palace that is becoming further and further away. "You said I could see Jackson, that I could say goodbye."

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