Chapter Thirty

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When we arrive back at the palace, Marina is silent as she watches the humans sitting along the grass. Most of the slaves are on their breaks and are choosing to spend it with several of the owned girls. There are more couples than groups, they have blankets underneath them along with bowls of fruit and snacks. I spot Jackson and Natalie together on the path, they're walking down to the woods, they hold hands as Natalie rests her head into his shoulder.

"They take everything from them," Marina says quietly. "Their knowledge, their memories, their desires, their emotions, even their nightmares. But the one thing my species has never come close to understanding is this." She flicks her red eyes across the couples, no form of enjoyment at the sight. "Love."

"Cain said your species form couples."

"Not like this," she says. "We choose close companions but we don't experience love like you do. It isn't a sight that would make you envious or fill you with goodness. This is. We cannot feel each other's souls but it is like the humans can." She finally smiles, lingering on something humorous. "Ironic, isn't it?"

I smile back. My smile fades when I see Christian among them. He sits with Gianna on a blanket, showing her something in his basket, to which she laughs. I can feel Marina's gaze burning into me but I can't look away from them.

"He is very attractive," Marina says. "Does it shock you that others think so too?"

"What?" I whisper.

"Or does it shock you that he finds them attractive back?"

I fold my arms and lower my eyes to my feet, shuffling them awkwardly. I start backing into the bench behind us, dropping down slowly.

"I heard Cain gave them condoms," she says as she sits beside me. "They probably just want to feel something before their owners ultimately take their lives. I'm sure Christian is just assisting."

She's trying to make me feel better but I don't need to feel better. I'm happy for Christian, if he wants to pursue a doomed relationship with Gianna then I won't stand in the way. I have no right to.

"I'm sure he'd even allow you to experience it if you asked."

She means with a slave. Cain would never allow such a thing. I couldn't anyway. Even if I wasn't sleeping with Cain then I don't think I'd be tempted. Some of the slaves are handsome, with tall builds and lean muscles. I imagine many of the girls are working their way through them now. As I glance at that line of couples, I wonder how many have just come from secret bedrooms.

"One month will seem like a year in this place," Marina says. "It'd be a good way to pass the time. I could talk to him for you."

"No," I say instantly. "Don't do that."

A body suddenly lands in front of us. An extremely tall, large creature with light hair and ink markings along his throat. He is Cain's head guard, the one that read out the law changes yesterday. I flinch but Marina doesn't even react.

"Hello, Blake," Marina says. "Is there a problem?"

Blake looks directly at Marina, not even glancing at me. His black wings remain spread out, blocking the sun. I look over to the humans, they're staring over at us, even Christian. "You are to take the girl back to her room after your walk. The King's orders."

"I am aware," she says. "The girl has been cooped up in that room for far too long, allow her to just enjoy some time outside."

"On the King's orders, she is to return to her room."

"I am in charge here," Marina says. "Not you."

Blake flicks his fingers towards the high roof of the palace and a group of creatures fall to his aid, one is very close to me, I watch him cautiously as he stands just to the left of the bench. Unlike Blake, this creature looks directly at me. His head twisting as the wind blows my scent towards his nostrils.

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