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"Minhye-yaa, don't run like that you'll fall", Lee Hyeyoon said in a firm tone.

(Note: Minhye is Amelia's real name)

"Eomma, When are the guests coming? Can I make them my friends", Seven years old Minhye asked her mother with a cute voice.

"Ofcourse, Why not?", She chuckled at her daughter's cuteness.

"Eomma, I'm hungry", Minjae asked while holding his stomach.

Minhye started to laughing when she heard her brother's stomach growling.

"Minmin Oppa, do you have a lion inside your stomach?", She asked while laughing.

"Yahh, don't make fun of me", Minjae shouted as he started chasing Minhye.

Minhye rushed towards her mother and hid behind her holding the soft fabric of her mother's dress.

Hyeyoon chuckled at the scene

"Kids, I'm home", Kim Jaehyun said while entering the house.

"Appa.......", Minhye made herself into her father's arms.

Today they were expecting a guest.

Kim Jaehyun is the CEO of K electronics. He was one of the most richest business man not only in Italy but the whole world. He had to take over the company at a very young age of 21 because of his father's illness and him being the only heir of the family. He married Lee Hyeyoon went he went to South Korea for a business trip. Lee Hyeyoon was born in a normal family.

Their love story was like a 80' film.

They had two children.

Kim Minjae the eldest son and Kim Minhye their daughter.

Minhye rushed towards the door went she heard sound from that direction.

She tripped while running but luckily was caught by a 15 year old boy.

"Omo, Minhye-yaa are you alright?", Jaehyun rushed towards his daughter.

"Ne, Appa", she smiled.

"Ofcourse she is. Otherwise she would have started crying till now", Minjae mocked his sister while sticking his tongue out for which he got scolded my his mother.

"Minhye say thank you to Vincenzo oppa", Hyeyoon said to her daughter.

"Thankyou, Vinnie Oppa", She said while everyone awed at her cuteness except for Vincenzo.

They had lunch together. The elders were busy talking about business leaving the three kids alone.

Minjae was trying his level best to start a conversation with Vincenzo but it was of no use.

Even though Minjae and Vincenzo were from the same class, they never talked to eachother. More like Vincenzo avoided talking to anyone.

And that day Minhye sweared that she will make friends with this rude Vinnie Oppa.

From that day onwards Minhye would always find a way to talk to him but he still ignored her for months. Thanks to their parents for making plans for bringing thses children together whenever possible.

Vincenzo was adopted he was a Korean just like the Kim's. He was not so good in socializing with others so Mr Cassano thought that he might be able to get friendly with the Kim's.

Today Minjae couldn't come to school he was having high fever. While Minhye was at school. Mr and Mrs Kim were busy taking care of him so no one could pick her from school.

Kim Jaehyun asked Vincenzo to pick up Minhye which he couldn't decline because he respected Mr Kim.

Kim Jaehyun was Vincenzo's role model.

Zo reached at her school but was startled when he saw some kids were bullying her.

He managed to scare those kids and made sure that they won't bother Minhye again.

"Gumavoyo, Vinnie Oppa", she thanked him.

And this time he smiled.

Did you expect Mr. 2113 to be Lia's brother?

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