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I walked into the kitchen to see Jisung preparing breakfast again. I shook the image from before out of my head and tried focusing on the food laying on the counter.

"Glad to see you fully clothed," I commented, helping myself to a strip of bacon.

"Oh come on, you know you enjoyed it while it lasted," Jisung winked.

"Keep dreaming, Jisung."

"Hey why are you eating now?! I didn't finish making breakfast!" Jisung screeched, swatting my hand away from the plate of bacon.

"But I'm hungry," I whined, trying my luck once again as I reached out to the plate. This time, Jisung grabbed my wrist and looked at me.

"Nope, I'm the one making the food here, not you," Jisung confidently stated.

"Fine," I grumbled, grabbing my phone to aimlessly scroll through social media.

"Aww you look so cute when you're all pouty and sulky," Jisung chuckled as he leaned against the kitchen counter, observing me.

"Does this mean I can eat now?" I pouted, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, two more minutes," Jisung replied, checking the bacon that was sizzling on the pan.

"Ughh I need to eat!" I complained.

"Here you go angel!" Jisung chirped, holding out a plate of food complete with bacon and eggs. "Freshly made from the Han kitchen!"

"Finally!" I gushed, grabbing the plate from his hands and scurrying away to the dinner table. As soon as I sat down, Jisung cleared his throat in a way to get my attention.

"Not even a thank you?" He asked, pouting and acting fake hurt. "All of my hard work for nothing," he said as he began fake crying.

"Oh Jisung," I chuckled as I made my way back to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. "Thank you."

Jisung placed his hands on my back before releasing me, a huge smile evident on his face. "If I got that thank you everyday, I'd make you the grandest breakfast every morning."

"Don't you dare push it, you flirt," I playfully warned him before finally returning back to my food, Jisung joining me with his this time.

We chatted away while eating our breakfast, mainly about our plans for the day and how I was adjusting to my new "independent" life so far.

"Are you still stuck on writing that song of yours?" I asked as we put our plates in the sink.

"Yeah about that, I was going to ask if maybe you wanted to help me out with that. I know writing a blog and writing lyrics are pretty different but I think there are enough similarities," Jisung explained.

"I'd be happy to! I've always wanted to try writing song lyrics too."

"Cool! If you're not busy, we can work on it now?"

And with that, I followed Jisung into his bedroom where he had a desk off to the side. On it was a notebook, headphones, a computer, and a bunch of other technology devices I couldn't recognize.

"So I'm completely stuck on lyrics and I need major inspiration," Jisung explained.

"Hmm okay," I started, thinking about what could possibly inspire this man. "Have you tried taking a break from all this and maybe spend some time outside or somewhere with peace and quiet? Whenever I'm hit with writer's block, I go to a park and let my mind wander. That way, I get a bunch of new ideas I could use for writing."

"Seems like it's worth a try," Jisung shrugged. "Would you like to join me on a trip to the park?"

"Sure," I giggled. "Let me get ready and we can leave in 10 minutes."

"Sounds good," Jisung said, smiling.

Soon enough, the two of us arrived at the same park that Jisung bumped into me in the first time we met. Although we weren't holding hands, our shoulders occasionally brushed against each other, sending shivers throughout my body.

We eventually decided to sit down at a park bench to simply observe the beautiful nature around us. There were varieties of flowers and bushes lining the stone park trail and occasional trees were planted in the patches of green. You could hear the birds singing their melodic morning songs and the place was already brimming with life.

A small, brown squirrel emerged from the bushes, stuffing an acorn into its already full mouth. At the sight of us, the little creature ran away.

"Aw so cute," I sighed as I watched the squirrel disappear into the bushes.

"Um it's a squirrel?" Jisung questioned. "You're acting as if you've never seen one before."

"Jeez Mr. Pessimist, let me enjoy the cuteness of the squirrel in peace," I shot back, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say, angel," he sighed before leaning his back against the wooden park bench. "You know, this is nice. I think I need to spend more time in nature."

"I knew you were going to like it!" I squealed. We sat together in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence as well as taking in our calm surroundings.

As the sun rose up to the middle of the sky, Jisung got up from his seat.

"I don't know about you, but I'm extremely hungry and need to eat," he stated.

"I feel you," I replied, standing up as well. "Do you want to eat at a restaurant for lunch?"

"Of course! I know this really good ramen place that's not far from here if you want to try," Jisung suggested.

In no time, we arrived at the restaurant, a small but cozy eating area. The two of us chatted away as we ate up some delicious ramen.

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