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I took off the hoodie and slipped on the big black t shirt I stole from the guard, throwing the hoodie in a bin. I had been running for a long time and reached the busy city faster than I thought I would. I held my hair up as I walked through the noisy crowd. My eyes couldn't help but look all around. There was so much that had changed. I still had no clue where I was nor what I was going to do next but I wasn't worried much.

The gun tucked in my leggings under the big shirt had only eight bullets left. It would be enough incase Vittore sent someone for me. I made my way to the subway station, looking at the map. I was in a city called Las Pavita. I remembered I used to live in a place called Santa Pores and searched the map for that area. I had to finish the damn promise I made to myself.

As I was searching, a hand landed on my back and I was turned around, a punch landing on my cheek. I stumbled back in surprise but before I could retaliate, hands grabbed me from behind and I was dragged to a secluded area in the subway. I stood up, trying to shake the people off me.

"Look what we have here," I looked up to see some scrawny looking guy. His eyes travelled down my body as he licked his pale chapped lips. "Such a pretty little thing."

I scowled at the guy in front of me, not really in the mood to be mugged by amateurs. I brought my foot down on one of the person holding me to the right. He yelped and let go. I brought my other arm up, hitting the person to my left in the face with my elbow. He too let go with a shout of pain. I turned to the scrawny guy and he had gone pale. He pulled out a gun from his coat and pointed it at me but his hand shook.

I slapped his hand from my face, taking the gun and unloading it, making the bullets fall to the ground. I grabbed scrawny guy by the shirt as his friends made a break for it. I brought him close me as as I pulled out the gun from under my shirt and cocked it, pointing at his face.

"How do I get to Santa Pores?" I asked him calmly.

He was shaking like a leaf and the tears in his eyes showed he was close to crying. I shook him, angry he was wasting my time. "I said, how can I get to San Pores?!" I snapped.

"Take the train! It's pretty far and you'll make many stops but you'll get there in a few hours. Please, don't hurt me. I have to pay my debts to my boss or my lil sister gets hurt man," he said quickly and fearfully. I rolled my eyes and hit him with my gun on the temple, causing him to fall unconscious.

"Siblings are overrated kid," I said stepping over his body and hiding my gun once more.

When I looked back at him, I noticed a raven tattoo standing out at the back of his neck. Taking it as nothing, I walked out of the subway, a plan to get cash in mind. I walked around for a while until I spotted a club. It was called The Golden Cage. There was a long line at the front but I walked down the alley to the back door. There was a bouncer leaning against the wall, smoking a cigar.

I walked towards him with a black face and he looked up at me, a tired groan slipping out of his lips.

"Look sweetheart you can't-" I kicked him in the face before he could finish, knocking him out cold. I bent down to pick his wallet from his pocket. Opening it, I realized he just had twenty bucks on him.

"Broke bitch," I mumbled throwing his wallet at his head and putting the twenty in my bra.

I opened the back door to the club and loud music washed over me as soon as I entered. Gold, pink and blue lights flashed in the club as loud sultry music blasted through the speakers. There were cages all around with half naked women dancing in them and men cheering them on, throwing money through the bars. I rolled my eyes as I looked around for my first target.

I saw a guy who was drunk off his ass, making out with a woman dressed as a fairy. I walked over to them, reaching into the man's pocket to pick out his wallet as he was "busy". I opened it up and whistled lowly as I made my way back to the back door. He had a lot of hundred-dollar bills in here. I picked them up, dropping the wallet on the floor as I counted. One thousand and seven hundred dollars. I smiled as I too tucked the money into my bra ad made my way down the street, back to the subway.

That was surprisingly easy.

As I walked, I passed an internet café. My feet stopped me from moving as I gazed at it. I don't know what came over me but I sighed, making my way to the café. It was closed but I kicked the glass door, shattering it. I looked around if anyone had noticed and I was glad the street was dead. I entered inside and turned on the lights, computers and Wi-Fi.

I went to one specific computer and double clicked Google. I knew I shouldn't search for anything. It would only make things worse but I needed to know. I took a deep breath as I brought my hands to the keyboard but they paused.

"Come on," I whispered to myself. I run a hand through my hair as I second guessed my decision to search. I convinced myself this was the best option.

I took a deep breath and begun typing.

Dalia Gates

Without a second thought, I pressed search. Millions of articles popped up but I clicked the first one and begun reading. 

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