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The sun couldn't set fast enough.

I was sitting on the balcony, the first time I was utilizing these extremely comfy couches and staring out at the city. I was dressed head to toe in black, my hair in a tight ponytail with my bangs still resting on my forehead.

The sky was bathed on red and orange, the sun just beginning its descent.

It was all going down tonight. I'd see my parents, get my revenge and also get justice for Faye's murder. God I missed her so much. Now more than ever. I bet she would be giving me a whole heart warming speech right now.

"Staring at the sun won't make it set faster."

"I know that but I have to try right?" I said softly as Vittore settled down on the seat next to me, pulling me to his side.

"Why do I feel like we're fucked?" I mumbled softly.

"We aren't. The plan is perfect," Vittore reassured me, using his fingers to draw circles on my arm.

"How do you know?" I asked unconvinced.

"Because once we finish doing what we have to do, I'm taking you out on a date."

I sat up and turned to Vittore, my eyes looking for anything in his features to prove he was bluffing but he was surprisingly serious.

"You're serious?" I asked, my voice wary.

"Of course I am. It is about time I did it too," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"We've literally been together officially for like 48 hours."

"Sometimes, just a few hours is a lifetime," Vittore mumbled and pulled me towards him to place a kiss on his lips.

"Since when are you sappy as sentimental?" I asked and a smile slipped on my face. Vittore watched me, his eyes just going over my features.

"Come on," I said tapping his thigh. "Its time to get going."

I stood up quickly and my head spun. Black dots danced in my vision as my heart skipped a beat and I tumbled backwards, into Vittore's arms.

Closing my eyes, I tried to dispel the feeling of dizziness that came over me.

Good Lord, this was bad. When was the last time I ate?

"Tesoro? Are you ok?" Vittore asked worriedly and when I opened my eyes once more, his dark ones were filled with so much worry, it caused my heart to twist in guilt.

I'd tell him after we'd made it.

Not now.


"I'm fine. I just stood up too fast. I guess this is getting to me more than I realised," I lied quickly. Well not technically lied, more like twisted the truth.... yeah.

"You don't have to go-"

"Yes I do," I interjected and stood up, slower this time. "Its my prints you need, its my parents house you are going to.... I will help."

Vittore stood up and held my hands. "I'm not going to stop you but promise me, if you get hurt or find yourself in a sticky situation, you'll pull out."

"I... I can't promise you that," I said softly, my voice straining. "You know I can't and I wouldn't ask you that either."

Vittore raised his hand and laid it on my cheek. I stepped closer to him putting a hand on his chest, feeling how tense he was beneath his dark clothes.

"You can't die tesoro. You can't," he whispered to me.

"And you will not you hear," I said pointing up at him. "I can take care of myself so you cannot pull some kind of macho man bullshit ok?"

"Unless it's necessary," Vittore said and I rolled my eyes.

"It won't be. Trust me. Now let's get going. The sun has finally decided to set."

Vittore and I walked down to the garage. There, many people in black stood, all geared up and ready to go as we were.

"All of you get to your positions!" Vittore shouted and people begun to move. I got into a black jeep with the Italian and he started our journey to Gates manor.

The first part of the mission was just going to be me and him. The moment was going to be too touchy feely and I didn't want anyone to see me as such.

The car ride was quiet, I was grateful for that and we moved quickly. It must have been an hour later when we slowly went down Whitecomb Avenue, the same road my parent's mansion was on.

We parked just before the large iron gates that lead up to the house. Through it, I saw three cars at the front.

"My parents are home," I said softly, my eyes on a window at the front that had a light on. I pointed at it. "That's my mother's serenity room. My father's study is on the other side of the building, where we are supposed to get in. He always left the window open just a crack for fresh air."

I made a move to open the door but Vittore grabbed my hand.

"What?" I asked looking back at him. "The building's right there we need to go-"

"Calm down tesoro," he said softly and pulled me back in. "I know you want to go but you're too tense."

I rolled my eyes. "Vittore, this is ridiculous. I'm no-"

"I'm not letting you leave until you calm down or you'll blow up the whole mission," the Italian said calmly but there was an edge in his tone.

I sighed and relaxed back in my seat, crossing my arms.

"I don't doubt you tesoro but-"

"Its ok," I cut him off. "I get, I just.... they are so close I..."

"We'll get them. We just have to be smart about it first," Vitore stated and I nodded. "Any security we should be aware of?"

"No, jus motion sensors and cameras. There's also a panic room in the basement."

"How do we get past the sensors?"

"We'll climb the wall and get onto a tree at the far east side. It's right next to... um... my old bedroom window."

I couldn't count time times I'd thought of leaving the house through that path, I'd even practiced though I'm bigger than I was then. Hopefully it was the same thing.

"Are you good with going back or should we take another route."

"No no. I can handle it," I said opening the door at the same time as Vittore as we jumped out.

"Nothing like a trip down memory lane."

Property Of Vittore Martinelli ✓Where stories live. Discover now