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I walked up the steps of the library and pushed the door open, the smell of books hitting me square in the face. I took a deep breath, reminiscing the days when libraries used to be my safe place. These days, that place was turning into the company of a certain Italian.

I moved closer to the main desk where an elderly looking lady with her grey hair in a tight bun, glasses resting low on her face. My face split into a smile as I moved closer, the librarians eyes finally looking up at me.

"Hi. I'm Evangeline," I said holding my hand out and she shook it. "I'm here on behalf of the Aaron corporation. There's a warehouse my boss heard of around here that could be up for sale?"

The elderly woman shook her head at me, dropping the book she was reading on her desk. "Its not for sale," she told me.

"But it could be right?" I asked, adding a little fear in my tone. "My boss really really wants a new headquarters and this is my last chance to find one."

The elderly lady looked at me and her gaze softened. "Maybe there's something in the back that can help."

She slid off her seat and motioned for me to follow her and I smiled gratefully. "Thank you so much. You're saving my job," I mumbled as I followed her.

She showed me to a room stacked with boxes, the whole place smelled like paper and dust. She picked out one particular box and set it down on the floor.

"That's all there is on the warehouse. It's actually just before the town, the road that goes left," she explained and I nodded.

"I saw that road when I came here," I stated and she put her hands on her hips.

"That's a good start then. I'll leave you to it. Good luck."

"Thank you again," I called as she walked away, settling my butt down on the ground and crossing my legs. I brought the box closer to me and opened it, looking for the blueprints. That was all I needed.

I finally spotted the white parchment of paper and unrolled it, looking at the layout of the whole place. As my eyes scanned the whole thing, a devious smile grew on my face. They were making this a little too easy for me.

I picked out the phone Vittore had given me for the mission and took a picture of the plan. The warehouse must be empty since it was mostly for storage but everything had been moved out my the company that last used it, according to the small piece of newspaper I found inside the box.

I read as much of the warehouse as I could before putting the box back and dusting myself off. I went back to the front, the library was much more crowded and the librarian seemed busy so I just waved at her before walking out.

When I got back to the car, Peyton and Lily were inside waiting for me.

"Find anything useful?" Lily asked and I nodded.

"I found enough. Is there a motel or something nearby? We have to get the plan in motion."

"Yeah. I even got us a room," Lily said dangling a key in front of both of us. I turned to her shocked.

"You left the car?" I asked angry.

"Well... yeah. You guys were taking a tad bit long and I only stepped out for a second," Lily meekly answered. "Is that an issue?"

I glared at her. "No," I forced out. "Its fine. Show us where the motel is."

The girls seemed more timid after my display and Lily guided Peyton to where we needed to go in a soft tone. The reason why I was angry is that there was a bag in the back, one these two didn't know of that held the main weapon I needed for this plan.

If that bag got taken...

We made it to the room and it was late afternoon at the time. It was a simple two bed, mothball smelling hell hole. Lily set all the clothes and make-up she brought on the table.

"Ok... the plan," I mumbled and placed my hands on my hips while Peyton and Lily took a seat on the bed.

"Peyton, you got a guy's number right?" I asked and she nodded. "Text him. Tell him you and a bunch of friends are having a party at the warehouse and you'd love it if he came. Tell him he can invite as many people as he wishes."

Peyton got her phone out and begun typing, a ping sounding as she sent the text. A new one came in not even a second later.

"He said he and his pals will be there with a group. He's asking if the party has a theme," Peyton mumbled squinting at her screen.

"What outfits do you have Lily?" I asked the blonde.

"Uh... I have normal clothes, classy and maybe some beach things...."

"Beach themed then," I mumbled and Peyton texted the guy she met.

"Aaaand.... sent," she said and pressed one last button before turning her phone off.

"The two of you are going to go to the warehouse and create a scene there. Make sure it has all the attention of the guards. I'll handle the rest."

"What are you going to do?" Lily asked.

"Nothing you should worry about but you're not going to see me till tomorrow ok?"

The two girls nodded but I could tell Lily was still curious. If there was one thing I have learnt since I got sold was to keep your secrets close. I didn't trust anyone, at all. Not with my thoughts or my past and definitely not with one of the most brilliant plans I've ever come up with.

"Get dressed girls. It's time to kill a bunch of bloody assholes."

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