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Quintuple update!!!!

69 (hehehe)

The shed was more guarded than I anticipated. Men dressed in dark gear walked around and I barely had time to duck behind a bunch of corn before a group passed by. I was determined to do this despite all odds honestly so I creeped forward, faster but making sure I was hidden.

The shed was in my line of sight and I ducked with a roll, flattening my body against the door. I was extremely lucky it didn't face the house and knowing the two beefy guards at the back door, I wouldn't have made it far.

I went to work with the lock using one of my blades and it easily swung open, allowing me to squeeze in and shut the door behind me. I stood to my full height, my brown eyes scanning the small space. It was your normal average shed, garden tools and such handing from the walls. A lawnmower, wheelbarrow and dirt boots on the ground.

I touched the walls and the the ceiling looking for some sort of lever. f course, Jordan was into the whole secret tunnels thing.

As I reached for the roof, the wooden floor under me groaned with my weight. I paused and moved again, my weight shifting and a loud creak echoing in the small room. I dropped down and run my hands along the floor boards until I reached a crease. With my knife, I pulled it and the floor opened up revealing a staircase.

Of course it was underground.

I sighed and begun to descend, my fingers brushing against the wall looking for a switch. Once I touched it, I was quick to light the place up. Computers littered the walls with only one desk and one spin chair.

I stepped down and looked around, not at all surprised when I spotted a wall with pictures of me and my sisters. He tried to keep tabs on us which was good. I didn't see any recent pictures of me, other than me being taken out of the building where I met Vittore the first time.

God that seemed so long ago.

I settled down on the chair and turned my com on again.

"Guys, I'm in," I said with a smirk on my face as I turned on all the computers.

"Jade Scythe so help me God if you ever pull something like that again I'm going to strangle you," the Crimson Raven said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You can try," I mumbled. "So.. what exactly am I doing?"

"Do you see something like a radio or a wifi router around?" the Iron Mamba's voice cut through the com.

"Um...." I shifted my gaze around until I did find it. "Yeah black thing with antennae right?"

"Yeah I need you to break it."

I threw the device that was on the table on the ground and stomped it hard with my combat boots until it was nothing but a pile of trash on the floor.

"Ok thanks so much... connecting to Agile Mime's com..."

I held my breath and waited as static sounded before it started to clear out a little.

".... problem sirs?" Jordan's voice was unmistakable. I was sure to know that deep rasp anywhere. The weird thing, he didn't match Vittore in any way, thank God but Matteo on the other hand... "I have so squabs with my neighbours so why are we having some now?"

"Agile Mime please help us assess the situation," I said into the com in a low tone.

"Well sir," the French woman's voice cane in, deeper than it normally is "Before this week, you didn't have men guarding your doors and some in your house. It's really distracting the neighbourhood for they fear you may have some bad things going on here."

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