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I made a quick and sharp turn on a red light, my mind completely scrambled but I pressed even harder on the gas, hoping it would take me to my destination faster. My heart was in my throat, the lump eerily familiar as I blinked back tears.

The engine of the black Bugatti roared with the rage that had slowly simmered down as I swerved through cars as they hooted at me. I held the wheel in a tight grip. It was the only thing I could hold onto at the moment. It was now my anchor as I tried not to breakdown before I reached my destination.

The lights I passed blurred as I listened to the GPS as it took me where I needed to go.

God I'd never felt this much fear before.

It clawed at my brain, making it hard to think clearly, it run down my spine making me shiver even though my body was hot and sweaty. The dark tendrils were trying to bring me under and my heart was beating so fast, it was painful. My anaemia wasn't helping at all as blood rushed to my face, the only sound other than my rugged breathing.

I should've noticed the sound of sirens behind me or the red and blue flashing lights but I didn't. All I could see in my mind's eye was Vittore.

His smirk.

His emotionless expression.

His pinched brows as he got angry.

His dark eyes. God those beautiful dark eyes that made me feel alive.

I couldn't loose him.

I... I loved him.


I let out a bitter laugh but where was the lie in my words? I'd tried to deny it but... I found love in a place I hadn't expected. It had been right in front of me in the form of a broody dark haired Italian Don.

My hands shook on the wheel as I eased it a bit. The revelation scared me yes but I wasn't going to deny it. Not anymore. I'd lost enough.... I couldn't lose him. I just... I just couldn't.

God let him be ok. I had asked a lot from the Lord all my life and maybe He'd never answered but at this second, I wanted Him to hear me out. I needed Him to see me because I really needed Him right now. I needed His grace.

You have arrived at your destination...

The female robotic voice snapped me out of my trance as I pulled up and turned the lights out. I held my gun tight as I run towards the warehouse, the sound of gunshots clear. I didn't mind the police cars that had pulled up and shouted at me to stop.

I had to get to Vittore.

I run in blindly only for someone to raise a gun at me. I shot without hesitation and I knew calling out Vittore would be a mistake so I slipped into the shadows as I walked on the edges of the stacked storage warehouse. I run along the different aisles, until I saw a lump slumped against a large wooden crate. I quickly run towards the body, noticing the rise and fall of a chest.


He was covered in a fine sheet of sweat and his brows were pinched. His right hand held his left arm and I noticed blood seeping through his fingers.


"Vittore?" I called as I dropped beside him, thanking the angels above. He opened one eyes and looked at me confused.


"Shhh amore. Come on. We have to leave," I said quickly and helped him to his feet. He leaned into me as I guided us out and back to the Bugatti. The police hadn't seen it and I managed to evade them.

Thank you Lord.

I helped Vittore in the passenger seat and peeled out of that place faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I was on the road, the car quiet if you didn't count my shaky breathing and Vittore's pained breaths.

I stopped at a random motel further ahead called Cupid and as soon as I turned the engine off, I threw myself at the Italian, mindful of his injury. I just couldn't bare it anymore. I had to hold him. I had to hug him. I had to make sure he was here.... he was alive and he was ok.

Vittore lifted his injured arm, still holding onto his wound with the other and wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him and breathing me in.

"Oh tesoro," he said softly and I couldn't hold in my tears.

I let out a sob because I was so fucking relieved I couldn't even breathe right. A laugh tumbled from my lips too. A sad, heartbreaking laugh but damn it I needed to let it out.

"How about we get out of here sì?" Vittore asked and I sniffled, pulling back with a nod.

I got out and helped him towards the motel. We got ourselves a room, the old man at the desk not even asking why we looked like such a mess. I mean, I was crying and Vittore was bleeding from a wound on his arm but I was just glad he didn't call the cops or anything.

Vittore and I entered the motel room, a peaceful silence between us as I helped him down on the bed. I went to the bathroom and got a first aid kit before coming back. I knelt in front of the Italian, rising on my knees so we were slightly on the same level.

"Lift your hand," I said looking at how he held onto his bicep with a tight grip. "Let me take a look at the bullet wound."

"No tesoro. I can do this myself," Vittore grumbled and I gave him incredulous look.

"Don't start that bullshit with me Vittore. Remove your arm and let me help you or..." I trailed off, not able to say more. I was still in shock but I could do this. "Just... just let me help."


I glared at Vittore. "Why are you being so damn egotistic?! Let me help you! Do you know what it was like to find you like... and to..." I couldn't even get all the words out. "Let me help you. Please."

Begging wasn't something I'd ever do but I just needed him to let me help him.


"Why?!" I suddenly exploded. "Why won't you just let me help you?!"

"Because I don't know how to handle it ok?!" Vittore suddenly exploded, his dark eyes glaring at me. "I don't know how to handle these... feelings. Fuck tesoro you drive me crazy! Don't you see that? You make me question everything I've ever known and... I can't..."

I watched Vittore as his expression turned determined.

"Fuck it."

He leaned forward and pressed his lips on mine.

Property Of Vittore Martinelli ✓Where stories live. Discover now