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The best seats weren't that hard to find. They were a level above us. Vittore and I moved quickly to where it was, my dress bunched up in my hands as my heels clicked on the floor. My feet were steady despite the slippery and polished wood beneath them. I was taught to have the grace of a swan and I for one know I never flatter.

We reached the double cherry red doors. Vittore pulled a gun out of his ankle, placing it at the waistband of his jeans before using his jacket to cover it up.

"You shoot to kill tesoro," Vittore reminded me and I smirked, strutting closer to the door with a sway of my hips.

"When do I never?"

I pushed the door open and stepped in as Vittore closed and locked it behind us.

There was one man, one sole man sitting in the chair, I could only see the back of his head that was covered in curly hair and his hands that grasped a glass filled with whiskey. His fingers were adorned with silver rings that contrasted against his dark brown skin and the cuffs of his suit were bright gold, probably real.

"So happy you could join me Mr. and Mrs. Martinelli," The man said, his accent mostly American as he stood up from his seat and faced us.

Recognition hit me like a wave. With his salt and pepper goatee, high cheekbones and deep brown eyes, I swore on my ancestor's graves I'd seen him somewhere. His features though old, were awfully familiar to me. But how?

His hand came up to button his suit jacket closed and a smirked rested on his face, the wrinkles on his cheeks and around his eyes prominent.

I'd seen this man before.

Where had I seen him?

Why do I think I know him?

What the fuck was going on?

"You must me the Raven's Don," Vittore started while I tried not to show how panicked I was.

"I am. It is truly an honour to meet a man such as yourself," the Raven's Don started. "I've heard a lot of you Vittore Martinelli but your wife..."

Those cold brown eyes met mine and I tried my best to hold my frown, to keep my indifference, to not show weakness.

"I can't say I've had the pleasure but now I do. You are a very beautiful woman Mrs. Martinelli. Your reputation proceeds you."

"What reputation?" I dared to ask.

"Oh dear, everything. The girl who killed Lesedi Khumalo, Sante Di Laura, his top men and one of my finest assassins. It also didn't escape my notice that you managed to swindle Elliott Hillingham for half of his riches. I would love to have someone like you working for me."

"Sorry grandpa I kind of already have my gang," I mumbled, my hand reaching into my pocket and holding my gun.

"So do I."

With those three words, multiple men walked out from the shadows, guns with red lasers pointing at me and Vittore. We both stilled as the Raven's Don rounded the chairs to stand in front of me.

"You see... a while ago, a little boy made a mistake, one that cost him his life but now, I thank him. his sacrifice did not go in vein. Because of him, I finally had the chance to get to you," he said, standing in front of Vittore with a wide smile. Vittore just rolled his eyes and crossed his hands over his chest.

"You see that is one of the reasons I want to go after you specifically. That cockiness, that arrogance. I hope you know you aren't leaving here alive."

"What's funny is that I was thinking that about you," Vittore whispered menacingly and all the red lasers moved from the two fo us to the Raven's Don. I was now just confused.

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