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It had been a few days since the ninja thwarted Pythor's first attempt to unite the five Serpentine tribes, and because of that, Ninjago seemed to be quiet. However, there were still several questions swimming in the heads of the ninja.

One: What the Great Devourer was and why the Serpentine wanted to release such a creature.

Two: How they were going to stop the Serpentine from completing their goal.

And finally, who the two strangers in black and white were. The stranger in black helped Zane hide from the Serpentine, and the stranger in white played a tune that left the snakes paralyzed just like with the Sacred Flute.

But why would they come to help the ninja? They didn't say anything about why they came or why they helped the ninja with the snakes. They didn't even stop to tell the ninja their names, and the ninja didn't even know their gender because of the cloaks.


In the farthest room below the deck of the Bounty, Anirei sat on her bed holding a picture in her hands and smiling at the faces that were held in the photo. Her fever had broken a couple of days ago, but everyone was still worried about her sickness coming back so they kept her on bed rest until they were positive she was well again.

But being alone for most of the time gave her time to think about the decision to come. Though she still had years until the time she had to decide, they were telling her to make it sooner than she would've wanted to make it.

But if she made it then and there, would be easier to explain to her friends? Would it be safer if she had made the decision years ago after her parents' left her? 

One thing was for sure, she wouldn't be able to live with her herself if she made the decision without thoroughly thinking things over in order to make the right one. 

Anirei sighed, gripping the pendant around her neck and setting the picture she was holding back into her bag before grabbing her clothes for the day. As she got dressed and secured the cloak around her neck, Aniredi heard the voices onec more.

"Are you sure you are well, Child?"

"Yes, you did let us out for quite some time."

Anirei nodded and chuckled at their concern for her, "I appreciate your concern, you two, but I am well. My fever has disappeared and the weakness in my legs is gone as well. I'm just sorry that I've worried everyone on the ship. Especially the ninja. Their worries should not be focused on me."

"There is no need to be sorry for others worrying about your wellbeing, little one. After all, your mother and father were--"

"I understand who my mother and father were, but they would understand my decision to care more about the world than myself. They did the same thing when they left me, so they could protect the world I would be able to grow up in. I was always too grown up for my own good, so I'm able to understand things better than most."

"Perhaps you should take some time off from being a grown up and be a child for at least once in your life. You're not gonna be a kid forever, enjoy it while you got it."

"I agree. There are more important things in life. Take some time to be a child and have some fun. It will be better for your physical and mental health if you act like a child for at least one day."

Anirei didn't really want to admit it, but she did want to have some fun and be a child before she lost her childhood. Perhaps she should take a day off from acting like a grown up and start acting like a child, just for a day.


Anirei walked to the upper deck where she knew where the others would be waiting and talking about the Serpentine. She could hear Lloyd from the other side of the door and giggled at his enthusiasm.

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