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It had been a few days since the Ninja had escaped from prison, and they were still high on the most wanted list of Ninjago. Thankfully, there were a few eyes that weren't looking for the Ninja.

"Bring me those ninja!" The police commissioner shouted, "They can't just break out of Kryptarium and completely disappear. I want witnesses, I want locations. These fugitives are ninja, people. They could be right under our noses for all we know."

If only the commissioner knew that his words were right, as Nya was disguised as a police officer, complete with fake mustache, trying to find information on the Misfortune's Keep.

"All right, I'm in their secured network." Nya whispered to her communication bracelet, "But I still need that password."

"I'm looking for it now, but I don't get it." Jay said, disguised as another police officer while looking through some papers, "Why do we have to hack into their system when we already have a nindroid? And besides, Anirei's father knew them, right? Doesn't she know anything about it from him?"

"Nindroids don't know everything, and Anirei didn't seem to know all that much about Nadakhan, much less his ship." Nya said, "And if Soto says that the map to the only thing that can stop Nadakhan is on his ship, we need to find it. And find it fast."

"Hey, real fast, what's the password again?" Jay said deepening his voice.

"The password is 'Password'." One of the officers answered.

"Got that?"

"That worked." Nya replied, "Now searching city records for the last known whereabouts of his ship, Misfortune's Keep. Speaking of which, hey Kai, how's Destiny's Bounty holding up?"


Kai looked through the fence of the repo yard with Zane by his side, their ship lying in the sun abandoned.

"I've got my eyes on it now, sis. We sure could use it." He touched the fence and got a mild shock, "Ow! Careful, Zane. It's electrified."

"I believe all of the signs on this repo yard made that abundantly clear." Zane said, gesturing to all of the warning signs all over the fence, "Perhaps there's another suitable solution past this obstacle. Airjitzu?"

"You don't have to sound so cocky." Kai groaned as the two performed the technique and jumped over the fence without a problem before running over toward the Bounty.


"Okay, I've located Nadakhan's ship." Nya said, "It was last reported to be seen in Gypsy Cove, three clicks north of Cannon Beach."

"Thanks, Delara. Oh, I mean, Nya." Cole laughed followed by Lloyd and Anirei as they rode their Dragons over the ocean.

"Not funny. Let's see how you like it when you look like our enemy's sweetheart." Nya said.

"Well, Nadakhan is mistaking me for my father, so I can relate to you Elder sister."

"Thank you for your sympathy, Anirei, I'm glad to know that you're on my side in this."

"Gypsy Cove isn't far. We'll let you know what we see when we get there." Lloyd said.

Anirei sighed and leaned forward against Lloyd's back. He smiled feeling Anirei relax on his back, but Anirei wasn't completely relaxed. She was thinking about Nadakhan and what he was planning in this realm. A djinn isn't exactly something to be taken lightly, and with the way they used their powers, it was far too dangerous for the ninja to take Nadakhan with their normal methods.

"Rei? You all right?" Lloyd asked, seeing as she was so quiet behind him.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm all right. Just thinking about some things." Anirei said.

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