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Anirei was staring at the short swords she held so close, unsheathing them without fear of anyone seeing them since everyone was still asleep. She got out of bed, careful not to wake Lloyd and Nazira who were sleeping by her side, and made her way outside. 

Anirei simply stared at the full moon, smiling as the gentle light around the moon reminded her so much of her mother. Her father always said that he and her mother met on a full moon and proposed to her when the sun came up at dawn. And like the moon, her mother was gentle and shone brightly even in the darkness of the night sky. 

She looked down at the black short blade, watching as it soaked up the moonlight and shone just as brightly as the moon above in the night sky.

"Mother.... I understand... It is almost time for me to make a decision. But I am afraid to let that part of me go. I want them both with me for the adventures to come... But my dreams are just as terrifying as the night without the moon and stars. Please... Tell me what to do."

However, Anirei received no answer. All she received was silence in the night, no advice for the decision she so desperately had to make in the upcoming future. It pained her to think of her decision, choosing one or the other. Losing something like this would change her forever, but she had no choice but to lose it...

Or did she...?

Quietly, after sheathing her weapons away, she went back inside and lay back down on her dragon's back, unconsciously leaning into the warmest thing she could feel. Both her dragon... and the young boy she slept besides.

Little did she know, the young man could feel her leaning against him, and he smiled as well knowing that his friend was back and slowly fell asleep with that thought in his mind.


The next day, the ninja all went to the Dojo to continue Lloyd's training for the day. This time, it was Jay teaching him how to control the energy inside of him and harness it through form of lightning, as he had learned the Elemental Quakes not too long ago.

Lloyd groaned in his struggle, holding a single lightbulb and trying to use his powers to make it light up.

"Focus, Lloyd." Jay instructed, "Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up... harness it."

"I understand." Lloyd nodded, "I am in control."

Lloyd continued, the lightbulb lighting up even brighter in his hands.

"Come on, Lloyd. You can do it." Jay encouraged.

However, the power was too much for Lloyd to control, and in an instant, the lightbulb shattered on the ground.

"Argh!" Lloyd growled in frustration, "Stupid lightbulb! You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try."

"Sorry, Lloyd, that was the last light bulb." Kai said, gesturing to the other shattered lightbulbs on the floor.

"Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow." Cole said, handing Lloyd a broom, to which he snatched and then began to strike the hanging sand bags in the corner.

Jay sighed, "What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu?" He asked, "I can't seem to teach him how to control his power."

"You dare to defy the Green Ninja!" Lloyd shouted at the imaginary enemy.

"Patience, Jay." Sensei Wu answered, "Sometimes the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light."

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