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The Bounty flew over the clouds, the ninja and Nya sitting in the dining room talking over plans and disappointments.

"Trying to find out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance than the snakes." Cole complained, "Any luck with you?"

"The guy's elusive. He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone." Jay answered.

"I am starting to believe we might never catch him." Zane said.

"I think it's safe to say, none of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja." Kai admitted just as Sensei Wu entered through the door.

"Looks like iron is sharpening iron." The old teacher said, "I can feel that you are getting closer to reaching your true potential."

He pinched Cole's arm which left the black ninja turning away, but when he noticed that two of their members were missing, Sensei Wu grew concerned.

"Where is my nephew and young Anirei?" He asked, "I thought you were looking after them."

"I thought Cole was gonna pick them up?" Kai questioned.

"I went to the arcade, but they weren't there." Cole answered, "Jay was--"

"Don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday." Jay interrupted.

"Sensei, we have not seen Lloyd or Anirei." Zane confessed.

"We must find the children." Sensei Wu said with great urgency.


The ninja searched around the area where Lloyd and Anirei were last seen, but the two were nowhere in the neighborhood. They stopped by the arcade they were supposed to be staying near, but they were nowhere in sight.

"They were right here." Kai said, "Someone must've seen them."

Cole looked up and spotted the security cameras mounted on the nearby pole.

"Hey, guys. Check this out." Cole pointed out the cameras, and after successfully gaining the footage, the Ninja watched everything from inside the arcade on the security screens.

"Wait, wait. There they are. Play that back." Jay said after seeing Lloyd and Anirei peeking around the corner. Anirei was trying to pull Lloyd back away from the corner, but it looked as if Lloyd was trying to comfort her in a way.

The children on the screens went into the arcade and came back out with snake disguises and a couple pairs of rattles. Then they ran back around the corner.

"What are they up to?" Jay wondered aloud.

"I don't know, but did you see Anirei's face?" Kai said, "She looked scared, like she had just woken from a nightmare."

Without a second thought, the ninja ran around the same corner they saw Anirei and Lloyd go down, following the footprints in the dirt. However, when they made it to the back alleyway, they disappeared.

"I sense these are Lloyd and Anirei's footprints, but they come to an end here. Why?" Zane pondered.

"Something tells me we're going for a ride." Kai said, gesturing to the tire tracks left by the Serpentine bus that Lloyd and Anirei had boarded a while ago.


Lloyd and Anirei watched from their cage, place proudly near the statue of the Great Devourer. The Serpentine were cheering all over the stadium, but this only instilled more fear into Anirei's heart. 

She was told stories about the Serpentine from her mother and father, but they were always good stories about how the Serpentine were so kind to them and how generous they were because her parents saved them more times than they had even begun to count.

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