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Back on the Tiger Widow Island, Lloyd, Cole and Nya were working on a raft to sail them off the island to find Jay and Anirei.

"One more round of palm ties, and I'd say she's secure enough for sea." Lloyd said as he tightened one of the ties on the raft.

"Why is it that all sea vessels are shes?" Nya questioned.

"I don't know. Because it takes a lot of pain to make them look good?" Cole joked and Lloyd laughed along with him. But they quickly stopped laughing when Nya looked like she was about to smack them with her homemade hammer.

"I kid. I kid. Lighten up, water lily." Cole said.

Nya scoffed, "I get it. My personal mission to rid the world of its prejudices is wearing thin."

"Hey, uh, did anyone take my ties?" Lloyd asked seeing as they were missing.

"Not me."

'I didn't touch them."

"Huh. I could've sworn they were right here. All this sun must be baking my brain. I'm gonna go into the jungle to get some more." Lloyd rushed off into the jungle to find more supplies.

"You know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women, is because we name them after the most important people in our lives." Cole said making Nya smile at the thought, "Mothers, wives, sisters, the people we trust to protect us when life gets choppy."

"But Jay didn't trust me." Why didn't he tell me he saw a future with me?" Nya asked, "Even if I never believed it, if he told me, all of this could've been avoided."

"He was too afraid you'd reject him. Sure Jay made some bad choices, but it's like Lloyd said, if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen."

"After all we've been through, I never thought you'd be the one sticking up for him. You're a good friend."

"Wrong. I'm his best friend."

Nya looked over to her station and saw her hammer was missing.

"Huh. Where's my hammer? It was right here." She said, Just then, Cole spotted soemthing moving underneath the sand.

"Did you see that?" He asked.

"See what?" 

"There's another." The sand moved again, this time in a different place, "There's two of them. I think I know why things are going missing around here. Get off the ground!"

Cole and Nya jumped onto the unfinished raft to escape the monster under the beach.

"I see them now." Nya said.

"I think we need to be quiet. I think they're attracted to noise." Cole whispered quietly.

"Hey guys! Look at how many palm fronds I found!" Lloyd shouted from the jungle with an armful of palm fronds.

Before Nya and Cole could warn Lloyd about the creatures below the sand, one of them burst through the beach and roared at Lloyd.

"Are you kidding me!?" Lloyd shouted and used Airjitzu to escape the sand and land in a nearby palm tree. The beast then dung back into the sand to escape, but the second beast came and smashed into the raft Nya and Cole were hiding on. Thankfully they moved out of the way before it could swallow them, but now the three ninja were facing another problem besides getting off the island. 

And that was getting off the island alive.


Nadakhan's ship sailed freely across the sky, circling around the islands of his newly formed and ever-growing Djinjago. His crew worked day and night pulling the pieces together and making sure that everything was in perfect working order. That included Jay.

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