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It was night and the ninja stranded on the island were still trying to find a way off to get Jay and Anirei back.

"All right, we've finished the raft." Lloyd said as they finally finished a complete raft.

"Now we gotta do is get it to the water." Cole said, but the problem were the creatures sneaking around in the sand.

"Leave that to me." Nya said, "While you were working on that, I was working on this."

She pulled a rope connected to a contraption launching several coconuts to the sand, distracting the creatures.

"They're distracted!" 

"It's working!"

As the coconuts were distracting the creatures, Lloyd, Cole and Nya dragged the raft to the water, however, the contraction stopped working and the creatures turned their attention back to the ninja. The ninja used the raft to block them for a moment as Lloyd used his power to try and push them away, but it didn't work as well as he hoped.

"The raft isn't gonna protect us much longer!" Cole shouted, "We can't get to the ocean!"

"Then I'll bring the ocean to us!" Nya said and brought a large wave of water to them, sweeping away the creatures and the raft they were using and escaped. They cheered from their successful plan. Unfortunately, the raft had been far too damaged from the attack. Just before they could sink into the water, a bright light shone from above. It was a helicopter with Ronin on the inside.

The helicopter quickly went down to the water and scooped up the ninja. Further inside the helicopter was the chief of New Ninjago police.

"Oh, by golly, we found you." He said.

"But how?" Nya asked.

"We learned you chartered a boat. Following storm patterns, we looked---"

Uh, detective work, ma'am." The detectives explained.

"Wait. Did you come all this way to arrest us?" Cole asked.

Arrest you? Oh, gosh no." The chief said, "We came to rescue you. After you saved our city from the Sky Pirates, we finally realized who's side you're fighting on. Was wrong to distrust you, Lloyd. That's on me."

"But saving two more is on us." Ronin said, pulling out a bottle with a message inside, the same bottled message Jay sent out earlier, "We got a message from Jay, and it seems like your girl is in more trouble than you think."

The group was terrified and shocked, wondering how they were gonna get their friends back. Luckily, Darreth back on the mainland had a plan.


Once again high in the skies of the new Djinjago, Nadakhan was looking out at his ever-growing kingdom, happy to see the progress. Anirei, of course, was by his side. After the incident with Jay and her sneaking into his room for the sword, he was keeping her especially close. Not only to keep a better eye on her, but also as leverage to keep Jay in his place swabbing the deck.

"Should I junk the temple for scrap?" Dogshank asked, gesturing to Yin's ghost temple.

"No. Keep it." Nadakhan said, "I rather like the look of it. I could always use a temple."

"To what? Worship you and your almighty ridiculousness?" Anirei snapped, earning a good slap on the back of the head from Flintlocke behind her.

"That's quite the sharp tongue you got on ya, little lady." He said.

"Yes, Anirei, that is quite the lovely idea, but clean it up. It's filthy."

Dogshank quickly started spraying water on the temple, and Anirei couldn't help but feel fear for the ghosts hiding inside. Just then, Master Yin came out to confront the attackers.

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