Chapter 24

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Author's Note

Hey guys! So names for the supporting characters because the numbers and letters and slashes are confusing. Just here's the key for the names.

B/n/1 - Gennai
B/n/2 - Eban
B/n/3 - Zion
G/n/1 - Diane
G/n/2 - Alexis
G/n/3 - Elena

Take note, I have no actual idea on how this stuff works. I'm just doing whatever fits and seems right for the plot.

Your POV

A few ruffles and noises rouse you from your slumber. Quite annoyingly so, considering the haze of frustration and anger stemming in your heart from having your sleep be interrupted.

But when your eyes begin to focus you see the familiar shadowy shapes of Gennai and Zion. You for sure know it's them considering that they've done this plenty of times already.

Nightmares or something.

Like that's any excuse to interrupt your sleep.

"What the fuck do you twat fucks want?" You spit viciously in your sleep hazed tone.

"Geez." Gennai whines. There's a tinge of softness and regret stemming at your soul after that, quite sad from being so mean when Gennai sounds like he's going to have a mental breakdown.

Like when you're being vulnerable after having a bad day and asking for a hug but get rejected.

"Gennai had a nightmare and Elena doesn't want to cuddle. Also heard from her bout Kenma." Zion explains in a tired slurred voice.

You stay quiet for a moment, you all do, settling in dark silence before Gennai erupts in another soft cry. And by the gesture of his hand by his face you assume he's rubbing his eyes.

"C'mere, both of you." You scoot over and allow them in with the space given.

"I thought Eban gave you guys your own rooms."

"Diane came to sleep with us."

"On the floor." Gennai adds half heartedly as he's buried a levels below your head and into your stomach.

You're never gonna get any sleep.

Zion is huddled into your side, sleeping sideways facing towards you in the fetal  pose, his head positioned right under your armpit.

"She tol' us about Kenma..." Zion explains, eyes shut, tired and focusing in finding sleep.

"You can go back to Kenma if you want." Gennai adds, yawning after, probably trying conjure his half awake brain.

It's like you want me to suffer

"I'll always be here to beat 'em him if he hurts you..." Zion lastly says, before his voice dies slightly in a bit of a rant filled grumble and eventually silence.

Never mind

You don't say anything. But all you feel is elated, soft, and happy at the reassurance.


It's the next day, and the morning court of the tournament has finished. You have 2-3 several more rounds of poker in the evening.

Basically you have the whole afternoon to yourself.

Alexis, Elena, Zion, and Eban have left to go to order from Onigiri Miya while you, Gennai, and Diane have stayed behind to do whatever.

You don't know where Diane went but you do know that Gennai is somewhere on the lower levels of the hotel talking up Atsumu from the MSBY volleyball team.

You've been meaning to check up the bookstore a few blocks from here, and spy on Gennai and Atsumu a little later on. You have until 12 to 6. A full six hours to yourself.

Better leave before someone intercepts you—

Too late.

You see Kenma on in the near distance and he brightens up a bit before making his way to you. In a very uncharacteristic and eager manner that you found weird.

Someone wanting you? That's weird. That's strange.

You could either 1. Run down, sprint—she's a runner, she's a track star your way to the elevator and get out of here before he reached you or 2. You let him approach you and blow off whatever he had to say

An evil, bitter part of you wants to stay, let him come to you and have the intentions of fucking him over, and hurting him.

But that wouldn't be very cash money.

Running away wouldn't be very cash money either.

Oh shit you've thought for too long and now he's here.

"Hey Y/n..." he greets carefully, a bit nervous.

Cringe. Speak to me like you're confident, kid.

You don't respond, and instead remain neutral. Awaiting for his response.

You don't want to say anything, in case you start getting emotional and start crying.

But you want to yell, scream, and make him know. Know more of how you hurt, how you felt.

Why didn't you tell me? Why are you such a fucking coward? Why don't you love me?—

No. No. No more thinking like that. Think about happy times. Think about the others—happy times.

"Good job on your rounds today." He begins after awhile, knocking you out of your reverie. "Would you like to go to the movies?"

You pause. "Now?"

He nods, swallowing, his Adam's apple bobbing in the slow motion.

"No." You reply curtly, turning away and walking to the elevator. You'll go stalk Gennai.

Third times the charm sucker, if you ask two more times I'll accept. Maybe five... depends on how spiteful you're feeling.

Maybe he isn't as persistent as you thought, better not to get your hopes up.

You think you've lost him once you've made your way to the elevator, but he steps in right besides you when you turn around and see him in the corner of your eye.

"What are you doing here?" You ask quizzically, eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm going wherever you are. If you aren't able to make it to the movies today for me then I'll make it wherever you're going." He explains, almost breathlessly tired in all the talking.

You roll your eyes. 

So long for the whole afternoon to yourself, 

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