Chapter 26

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Author's Note

From your writer what who's going to college and running on self motivation, things might feel slow and shit, no doubt feeling like it is.

I asked this in one my previous chapters. Truly don't know where this story is going, whatever will make you all the happiest. Might go a full on enemies to lovers arc for Reader and Kenma and just make them get back together after 30+ or so chapters, maybe?

Enjoy the crack with plot.

Y/n's POV

We're spying on Gennai, following after him and Miya Atsumu.

Wait we? There's no we in this?... Or is there? You can half ass say there is a we when eyeing Kenma who's following from behind you.

You're both sitting on a silver tabled, intricate with glass like serials. Currently in a popular coffee shop.

You have a beautifully gold intricate with white porcelain tea cup cupped into your palm, filled with sugared coffee while Kenma has an apple themed dessert set in front of him, slowly scooping small pieces of it into his mouth.

"Did we ever get that order from Onigiri Miya?" You ponder aloud. It's been on your mind since yesterday. You want to take your phone out of your pocket to text the group chat, see if they did get the order but you're too lazy to actually take it out to type the question.

"Is this what you do with your spare time?" Kenma asks earnestly, his head tilting, the long tresses of his hair following with him.

He still has the blonde frosted tips he did in high school, and he's pulled it back into a simple tied bun, multiple stray hairs brushed onto his shoulders. The male unbothered to fix it back into a neat bun.

You could never pull that off. Always gotta either be beautifully messy or simply neat looking. Ya just can't pull off the natural beautiful messy look.

"We've been following them for the last thirty minutes. All they've done is gotten coffee and talk." The blonde tipped male complains, voice dry and soft.

"If you were just going to complain like this then maybe you should've just shut up and left like you did back in high school..." it's petty. But it's true.

Kenma grows rigid immediately in his black hoodie. He doesn't reply.

As he should.

But the silence has gotten awkward between you both.

"I don't particularly spend my days like this." You state. "But it's not like I have anything else to do with my time. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be anywhere else."

"Uhhhh," Kenma pauses. Head tilting, he's interested, inclined to learn more but he's never been good with things like this.

Not that this is exactly normal.

"When we broke it off I didn't have anything set in my future, that's kinda scary y'know?"

"But I found them and it's like that path set itself forward."

"I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else but with them."

You're telling him all this.

... why? Maybe a part of you wants him to know how much it hurt. To make him feel bad for it. Sweet revenge, but it doesn't feel so fulfilling when he's a successful CEO of his own company and you're off living the life with your friends.

Haikyuu Cheater Kenma X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now