Chapter 14

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Author's Note

Sorry for the late update, well four weeks worth of late updates. I've had personal events going on with my family, and truthfully I've had a hard time getting motivation to write the next coming chapters until the point I want this story to go. I don't want it to be just a cheated and be great regret story. I want things to lead somewhere and make sense.

Third POV

This was a sign: it's okay to let go now. You're going to be fine. No matter what the emotions are that meets your future.

Leading a life without Kenma would be fine... right?

Your POV

You had just arrived home from school. You slip off your shoes and head upstairs to take off your uniform.

G/n/3 texted you saying that they would be at your place around 5.

You prepared yourself by brushing your teeth, and hair down cleanly. You didn't want them to think you had bad hygiene.

Moving to your wardrobe to change your clothes. You changed into black shorts, and a simple t-shirt.

Pulling your hair back you wondered if you should've prepared snacks or any sort of food. Of course there was snacks but it would be a hassle to prepare them in one place.

In the end, you decide against it as a ding from your phone alerts you. You assume that it's G/n/3 texting you that she's outside.

You check by opening the front door, and the first thing you see is G/n/3 erratically trying to get B/n/3 out of your front yard bush, all while sending the branches of the bush astray and messy.

B/n/3's hand is deep within the bush, so you don't see very clearly how he's stuck, but he seems to be searching for something. G/n/3 is scolding him for getting stuck by what words you hear.

You wait for a few moments watching G/n/3 bopping him on the head, and B/n/3 struggling to get out. "Uhm, are you guys going to come in?"

"Oof." B/n/3 finally retracts from the bush, phone in hand.

G/n/3 is approaching you, her hair put into a loose braid to the side, with a white collared shirt tucked into gray sweatpants. How casual.

"Come in." You say, moving aside so G/n/3 and B/n/3 can enter.

As you close the door after they both came in, you ask "When are the others coming?"

"G/n/1 just texted me." G/n/3 showcases her awakened phone whilst using her other hand to skip off her shoes.

"I didn't have time to prepare snacks but their in the kitchen if you'd like—"

B/n/3 turns his head around swiftly before walking past you and to the kitchen. His own sweatpants dragging with his every movement.

You stare at his back, and look back to G/n/3 who is sighing in disbelief.

"Don't eat all of Y/n's food!" G/n/3 hollers to him. She makes her way following behind you as you move to sit in the couch.

When she sits down besides you, she turns to look around from her place on the couch. "Where are your parents?"

"They live in a different prefecture." you responded vaguely, brushing your pants off before sitting down onto the couch.

"Then I suppose you wanted to live here on your own accord?" She asked tilting her head slightly, gently pulling on her braid on the other side of her head.

"Yes. I wanted to stay in Nekoma. The year that they wanted to move was the year I started—" you stop yourself from continuing the rest of your sentence. You started dating Kenma in e first year of Nekoma.

G/n/3 looks as if she wants to say something but before she can the door bell rings and immediately you know that it's the others outside.


"Now that everyone's here I'll introduce you all the game we're playing." B/n/1 says.

"We're playing poker!" G/n/1 bouts out excitedly, taking out a poker set box from her bag.

"I wanted to say that!" B/n/1 claims childishly, pouting simultaneously as he opens the box of playing chips.

"Of course we're not going to be betting real money." B/n/2 adds, leaned back on the couch, arms crossed, and left leg folded atop the other.

"I could lend money to you guys.." he says, eyebrows furrowed narrowly at the tip.

"No B/n/2, I assure you that this first round won't be serious enough to use real money." G/n/3 says.

You heard of poker but never played it. But you didn't have money to use for games.

"I won't be able to play if we use money." You state.

"Don't worry. B/n/2 will give us money to use." G/n/3 says, gently pressing her hand against your shoulder.

"Now that the discussion is over, can we please proceed with explaining the rules?" G/n/2 asked.

"Yes!" Exclaims B/n/3, chips falling out of his mouth.

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