Chapter 28

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Author's Note


Thanks for staying. Truly means a lot.


Your POV

"Y/n?" The startled tone shifts to one of confusion and you're stuck there, sitting and staring in shock.

God must really hate you.

He extends out his hand for assistance, you don't take it and end up pushing yourself up by the base of your palms on the concrete.

At this point you're already looking away from him and the silence from the both of you is large.

I can't do confrontation—

"It's so nice to see you again," He begins, his words filling into the stale air.

"Yeah..." You respond despondent.

Everything within you is screaming to go. Get back to the hotel, talk it out with the others, get their advice.

Gennai's words resound in your head. The painful truth. You depend too much on the others.

"Uhhh... Y/n?" You're turned away from him, he walks foreword, body slighted trying to catch a look at your expression.

"I've got to go." You murmur, unsure if he heard it but that didn't matter at all.

Looking forward, the hot tension you can practically feel with Terushima's confused look. You have no intentions of looking back to try and trying to calm yourself.

"Wait Y/n—" the blonde abruptly grabs at your hand while you're turned away, jolting you back closer to him.

"I'm really sorry about what happened back in middle school." He apologies, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Looking bashful and a tad embarrassed with the crinkle of his bronze eyes and tiny smile.

"I want to make it up to you, how about a drink?" He offers, a brighter smile in turn.

"Yeah, no thanks." You answer. Then think again for a moment, thoughtfully. "Don't worry about it, we've made mistakes." You awkwardly state. Yeah, middle school was the biggest mistake.

You tug your wrist out of his hand and trudge back to the hotel through another path.

Yeah, middle school is your greatest mistake.

And don't even get started on elementary.

You only remember a few select moments but those select moments solidified how you'd feel about yourself for the next decade of your life.

"Yuuji," You tug on the sleeve of the taller boy. He's wearing a black long sleeved shirt under a stark pee colored yellow t-shirt, basketball in hand. Dark cargo shirts drooping shadows over a bandaid on his knee he wore from a wound in his knee from yesterday.

The boy turns to you, attentive and eyebrows arched. "What?"

"I'm hungry, can we go back to your home?"

"Terushima!" Theres a few other boys that yell his name, trotting up to him, ignoring your smaller form. "Wanna come play with us? We have enough for one more." The boy gestures to the court with a few others waving at you guys.

Terushima turns to you, then back to the unknown boy that invited him. "Not today, Y/n says she's hungry. Thanks anyway!"

He says, waving at the other boys from afar and then tugging you along by slinging one arm over your shoulder.

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