Chapter 15.5 - Texas Poker Explained

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Author's Note: I know what I want for the story, the reason chapters have been lagged behind is that—I actually don't know how to play Texas Poker. Honestly I'm trying to learn but it's all very confusing. Thank you for being patient with me.

This chapter's gonna be about explaining Texas Poker—what I got out of it when it was explained to me and given to you guys so there's not a repeat of Chapter 8, because: It was chaotic.

How Texas Poker is begun:

For the sake of example, let's say there are 3 players.

The first player, is the one far left of the dealer. They play the Small blind. The next player in clockwise motion, plays the Big blind.

Small Blind: The starting bet. Say for example, $5 to start with. This is what the first player would put: They could put any amount.

Big Blind: The second bet. The Big Blind has to be double what the Small blind is. So $10 in this example.

Next action: The dealer will hand all players 2 cards each.

How Texas Poker is continued:

The player after the player's who played the Big and Small blind has these three choices.

Fold: The player looks at their cards and sees that $10 might be too expensive, due to that they don't have a very strong hand. At this point you have to fold so you don't loose any money in the game.

• What they mean by "they don't have a strong hand": What this means is that the two cards the player has, combined with the three community cards, the value of the 5 cards combined does not match strong enough in able for you to continue playing, as that the value you have isn't worth playing with and wasting money on.

Here is the photo of all the values of the pairs you can have.

Take note that the three cards only appear after the round of betting

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Take note that the three cards only appear after the round of betting.

Call: The player looks at their cards and sees that they don't have too good of a hand but it's not too bad of a hand. What they would do is call, which means they would match the previous bet, which in this example is $10.

Raise: By raising, you add money to the pot. The only way you can raise is to double the amount, and since the previous bet is $10, then that means you'd have to raise to $20.

In the example: Let's say that the third player raised to $20.

After Everyone Has Had Their First Turn:

After that, the turn will go back the first player and they would either have to raise or call.

• Raise: increasing the bet.

• Call: matching the bet.

Since the first player has only $5, they Call, and match the $20 bet.

The move continues to the second player. They only have $10, and cannot have less than $20, they call and match the $20 bet.

Once everyone has the same value of money committed to the pot, that's when the round of betting ends.

In The Beginning Of The Flop:

The dealer will produce four cards onto the table. One card will be hidden and three will be revealed onto the table.

The three players have to produce a strong poker hand with these three cards on the table and the cards they have in hand.

The betting will open to the left of the dealer and continue.

The Continuation After The Start Of The Flop/ The 2nd Round Of Betting:

There is an action any player can perform at the 2nd round of betting, called: Checking.

Check: Check is performed when the player doesn't want to commit money to the pot but doesn't want to leave the game either. Checking moves the act onto the next player.

This move can only be used in the beginning of any round beyond the first, when there are no bets placed yet.

The first player calls "Check" and the game moves onto the second player, who also calls "check".  Now the action moves on the third player who wants to bet.

Because this is a $5, $10 game. The minimum the player can bet is $10. Player three decides to bet $200, to get the game going.

The 2nd Round of Betting, known as The Flop:

Now the cycle circles around to the first player. They have the three options of: Raising, Calling, or Folding.

The first player Calls the bet, which moves the action into the second player.

The second player can Raise, Call, or Fold. Just as in the first round.

The second player decided to fold. Due to that, they had seen their cards and the flop cards. Deciding that it wasn't worth to invest anymore time or money.

Now there is the third player and the first player left. Both their bets are equal which ends the 2nd round of betting—also known as The flop.

The 3rd Round of Betting, called The Turn:

The Turn introduces 2 more cards, 1 of which is open and lays along with the three cards from before and the other laid hidden aside the other one from The Flop.

Now with four cards revealed, hopefully the two remaining players have a good card set built for them.

The first player bets $200 to start with, and the act moves onto the third.

The third player raises to $500.

Now the first player has three choices: Raise, call or fold.

Let's say that he calls, and matches to the $500 bet.

Since the bets match, the money goes into the pot and the next round continues.

The 4rth Round / The River:

The dealer adds two more cards, 1 hidden, 1 revealed, into the middle.

Now the first player has the choice to either check or bet.

In this example the first player calls "check", and moves the action onto the next player.

The second player calls "check". Both players cautious of committing too much into this pot.

Now that the last two players have had their turn, the hands can be revealed. Whoever has the highest hand gets the pot and deemed winner.

The three hidden cards are used for the next game, and the dealer button moves clockwise to the next player.

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