Chapter 20

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Author's POV

Hey. I'm back—

Thank you for waiting.

Have fun reading!!!!

It's been like what? 8 months? I won't post as often as I usually do but surely as you all know, I'll try my best,

Third POV

It used to be Winter. Now it is Spring.


Kenma remembers the last time he saw, talked, been with you.

It was for that project. He can't remember who the teacher is, but he can remember the project you guys did.

You chose winter, because he hadn't replied, but for some reason after, changed it  to spring.

He didn't mind. He didn't do any of the work for it yet.

You guys didn't do anything special, just sit besides each other in class quietly, and work. Appropriating the culture, social thoughts, and scientific facts about Spring. Easy work.

By the end, no further amends were made between the both of you.

Kenma had regretted. Not doing anything else--negative or positive--before you left.

One significant thing he remembered out of all of it when it been your turn to present your side of the spring seasons.

"Lastly, the most common and clear symbolism of spring is the representation of new beginnings, or the birth, slash rebirth of life." You finish, moving to close up your statement.

In politeness you bow, and usually you'd peer over to look at him, now all you do is nod your head forward and lift it up without another gesture.

He wants to jostle his foot forward for a bit, to capture your slightest attention.

Before he has the chance to you already have moved to sit down, and he finds himself moving faster then he would be when walking back to his seat normally.

There's no more interaction between you both after that. For the rest of the year it is blank.

Your act of not showing him any sort of attention is endearing. Kenma knows it's a sort of philosophy in order to attain his attention, and it's working.

He's not trying that hard to get your attention, but the fact that you've no longer looked for his affirmation, or influence makes it all the more distracting as he notices how you walk pass so easily. It's even more frustrating as he notices every time.

It's not like he didn't try to find you. There was just never a moment to speak without having him to go out of his way to find you. That was just too much work. The time between grades, volleyball and time with his girlfriend was enough to keep him busy. So he never did get to talk to you.

It's not like he did all the work in that either. You always made sure to stay out of his way so he wouldn't be able to find a way to reach you conveniently.

It's graduation day. The third year's last day at Nekoma. His girlfriend applauses from besides him as the third years stand on the stage.

It's spring now.

Now Kenma finds himself late to school in his third year. Without Kuroo.

It's frustrating as he hates running the most. All this work and tension for what? He can't blame anyone but himself for making such a mistake but the most interesting thing as he also sees you in the distance.

This is a coincidental moment. Kenma shouldn't be here exactly when you are. You thought he was already at school.

You both stop at the same time. Kenma opens his mouth to say something before another voice splits in "Y/n! You-UGH."

"Oops." You let out, eyes wide.

"I told you not to drink too much soda." G/n/2 juts her hands on her hips.

"Sorry!" Y/n takes the opportunity to settle right besides G/n/2 as they walk to the entrance, leaving Kenma's opportunity to talk be nothing more than to be a tiny piece of led in a mechanical pencil.

He takes no offense to your behavior. He just finds it strange.

For the rest of the year, all he can do is view you from afar.

Until the last day of third year.

Everyone is almost out by the gate. The last day at Nekoma and Yamamoto is crying about nonsense like "Don't forget me" and "I'll meet pretty girls in university!". Fukunaga is talking with the Shibayama, and the rest of the first years who didn't follow after Yamamoto in his rant.

Kenma dare says it but, he doesn't actually want to leave. Though it would be unrealistic not to. He's only human after all he settles. His girlfriend had broken up with him middle of third year, they both decided they had better things to do and use their time on. Kenma saw no lost.

Peering only away slightly from Fukunaga and the others, he sees you.

With your own little group you all head out the entrance after saying goodbyes to the teacher and staff. Kenma is hesitant to stop you.

He should, but he doesn't, and lets you walk out for what will be the last time he sees you.

This ending was nothing dramatic, nothing left off positive or negatively.

Just indifferent. Nothing new, nothing old.

Now, as Kenma stares at the magazine, all he thinks about is how much he wished he stopped you at that gate.

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