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Truths better as lies

She touched my back and I hissed. "I asked you a question what happened to you?" She asked again. "Nothing that serious. Nothing I couldn't have walked away from Violet." I felt her turn the water off and then take me outside. Now, what is she doing? She handed me trousers. I got dressed. Then she brought out the first aid box. "Those needs cleaning up and stitching." She explained.

I sat there patiently as she pulled out some sharp nail pieces that might have crossed the cloth barrier and something more. She placed the cotton down soaked with my blood. And then I saw the tray with the tweezers she used. Then she brought a candle and lit it up. She heated the needle then stitched the wounds on my back then moved to my front.

I had said nothing. I was watching her work. She was very efficient. No wonder she was my choice of secretary. She pulled the bandage and then covered the wounds. "All done Mr. Night you are as good as new." "Am I?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Yes, you are and I would appreciate it if you do not go and do handshakes with explosive materials. You have two children to take care of." She was angry. This Violet is something I can take.

"You have got quite a deduction there, Violet," I told her and held her from behind. She stiffens for a moment. "What are you doing? My sister is here and she can walk on us..." I turned her around. "I am in pain querida. I need you. Why you keep pushing me away?" I asked her. "I am not, I am just trying to be a good mother to my sons." "I want you to be a good wife from time to time. Please querida, understand this I need you too in my life." I pushed her against the wall and placed my lips on hers.

She pushed me away. "Then stop lying to me about your accidents. You could have been killed. You want me to become your wife, why don't you try and tell the truth from now on?" She asked taking the box in her hand and walking away or tried to because I held her again to me. "You first Mrs. Violet Lucian Night. It feels like you care. But that cannot be right, can it? You do not care for me. And not if I am in pain. Otherwise, you have at least tried to make it go away." I told her.

She pulled away. "You cannot wish that Mr. Lucian Night after you pushed me away after you have punished me this way. After you refused to give me any position in your life. You suddenly want me to give you something in mine? That is not how it should work. That is not how life works. You cannot expect me to come running back to you because you want to become my husband. I do not wish to become your wife." She walked away leaving me alone standing there.

I saw her talking to Myra and I picked the bottle placing it on the kitchen counter. "Drinks anyone?" I asked them. "Sure, what do you have?" Myra asked. "What do you need sister in law?" I added the last phrase and Violet looked at me dramatically. "can you mix me a little margarita?" She asked. "He cannot, he doesn't know anything other than to boss everyone around. Don't expect anything from him. You will end up disappointed." I didn't say anything.

I kept watching them as both the sisters had their treatments. I took the glasses and put one for each. "Margarita for you and for you my love a little bit of southern cocktail." I hope you love it. I know what can make you happy Violet no one knows better than me. I walked away from there. I needed to have something stronger. Maybe I can call Ezra. I will call Ezra and then we can go out before going to the party.

I dialed his number but Rose picked it up. "Hello Lucian, I am surprised you had called." I for one moment stayed silent. Hearing her voice even on phone always makes my heart beat faster but no one in the world can make my heart race like Violet can. She is my kryptonite yet still I want to get destroyed for her. "I wanted to know where Ezra is but if you have his phone, he might be busy," I told her. "He is taking care of the kids. You know the usual." I smiled. Who would have known that Ezra will be this much domesticated?

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now