Thirty- Two

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Now I pronounce you

Violet was rushed to the hospital. I waited in front of the emergency room. I don't know what to do now. I am running out of options. I saw Samuel who was talking to the doctors. Iris was with the team who was operating on her. Another operation, another attack, I have no idea when this is all going to end. "Samuel, I have failed," I told him. I fell down on the chair unable to carry my weight.

"Lucian, get a hold of yourself," Samuel said to me. "How can I? I wanted to give her a fairy-tale wedding and look what it turned into, a nightmare. How am I ever going to get out of this one? She is never ever going to forgive me." I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Myra. "I am so sorry Myra, I didn't know something like this is going to happen if I had known..." "She would have married you; do you know why? If you are delirious, she is one stuck-up crazy girl. She was doing this for you and you were doing this for her." Myra told me.

"You mean to say she was well aware of something like this is going to happen to her?" I asked. "No one knows of something like this is about to happen to them but she had her weak moments, and I caught her in one. Then she told me that she is afraid that someone is going to try something like this and you might be a target. But she wants to marry you so that you always have happy memories whenever you think about your life with her. No matter how short it might be, it must be about the happy memories."

"Why does she says that it will be a short life?" She didn't answer right away then after a moment or two she finally said "I have no idea why she would say that. But she looked disturbed whenever the phone call came. I think someone was threatening her about something. And because of that, she was afraid all the time." Why didn't she tell me about it? I would have helped her. I know and she knows that as well. "You had lots on your mind, especially with Lucas's condition. That is why she didn't tell you anything." She told me.

I know I was busy with Lucas but I was constantly trying to protect her and my daughter as well. But now... I have no idea how to do that. All I wanted was a little happiness but bad things kept happening to me one after another. I cannot seem to break this chain of events. I don't know if I ever can. All I want is to make her happy. Keep her safe and give her a life where she could build a future for herself with her children and me. A safe future where she need not be worried ever again. I think it was so much to ask for. Too much to ask for.

I sat there I don't know for how long; I was waiting to get the news. But to no avail. No one wanted to tell me anything. No one wanted to say a word to me. I was sitting there looking at the door that led to the operation theatre. It was still closed. Still, it was going on, the light was on. It had been how many hours now? I have no idea. I just want it to be over, this anticipation is killing me. My children would be waiting at home for their mother. What am I going to tell them? What am I going to say when they will ask about their mother? What am I going to say? That their mother...

"Family for Violet Night" I stood up and walked towards the doctor. "I am her husband, what is going on doctor?" I asked in a panic. "She is out of danger. I have to say Mr. Night is extremely lucky because the bucket missed her spine by a few inches. An inch to the right and she would have been crippled for life or worse, dead." I sighed in relaxation. Finally, one good news. "However, there is some bad news." Oh no, what now?

"My daughter..." I whispered. "The bullet had pierced the placenta; the sac was destroyed. So was the umbilical cord that had connected the mother and child so, we had to take your daughter out. She wasn't breathing at all." My heart stopped hearing this. Not my daughter, not my daughter, please. "Where is my daughter?" I asked. "In ICU, we are monitoring her. She is trying to breathe through the machines and we are hoping that soon her lungs begin to function much to let her out of there." I looked at the doctor. "Tell me will she be alright?" I asked.

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