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All That end well

The new sunrise had brought a new chance and a new day filled with new opportunities. Today, Luke was going to be in a school for the first time. I am happy that he is finally settling into his new life. He is finally going to start a normal routine. After all that had happened to him, he deserved this. He deserves to have a normal life. As normal as he can with those legs.

As we walked to the building, Violet and Luke saw the football players and my son's eyes lit up. "Dada, can I play too?" He asked. "Yes, soon son. Soon you can play. I promise you will and that is something I am going to keep." He looked at Violet and she smile. "I told you didn't I that we will play soon?" She said crouching to his level and placing her hand over his forehead adjusting his hair.

"Momma, what if they did not like me? What if I do not have any friends here?" He asked. He had recently turned five and his speech had also improved very much. "Let me tell you a secret, your momma too didn't have many friends in her school." He looked up at her. "But it is not about the quantity, it is about the quality like I have your father, he is my best friend, you too will find yours who will always be there for you."

I pulled him up in my lap and then told him "You are a Night, and you are my son. You are naturally strong. You can overcome anything. I believe over you son. I always have and I always will. And even if you do not find any friends here, I will be there next to you. Your brother will be there and so will be your little sister. You will forever have a family behind you son." I kissed his forehead and then put him down.

"Here, these will make your legs strong because you don't like the rolling chair much." Violet looked at him with concern as he held those crutches. Then we watched him walk inside the building. "Lucian, will he be alright on his own?" She asked. "Yes, he will be alright. He is our son; he can overcome everything." I told her.

"What about his dreams of playing?" I don't wish to break them as well. So, I will try and find a cure that he can realize that dream. Even if it is for a little while I want to give my son a perfect life that I never could have.
"We will find something, we will find a cure for our son, I promise you that. I promise he will be fine." I kissed her forehead as we saw our son turn a corner and there, he met a boy. They talked and he helped him with his books.

"He will be alright because he will not end up as lonely as I was. I am sure of it." I told her. Then we walked out of the school and the rest of the kids come inside running. I felt a strange sadness in my heart knowing that my boy might never find this happiness in his life. Violet's hold tightens and I am guessing she is thinking the same thing.

"We will find a way Luci, we have to for our son." She told me in a confident voice.

That was the last day I ever saw Violet rest properly. She was now busy trying and find a solution. That was twelve years ago. Now my son is seventeen. And ready for another surgery on his legs.

"Mom" Chris called. "I am late for my game. Aren't you coming?" Chris had growing resent towards his brother. The brother who loves him with all his heart. "Cannot son, not today, have to take Luke for check-ups." I know what will follow next.

"Why always you choose him and not me?" Chris asked. "It is not like he can go anywhere from here. He is crippled." I heard Violet slap him. "You are turning into a brat Chris; he is your older brother and he had suffered enough already. You should respect him at least a little." I watched Chris leave angrily. "I will talk to him," Luke said standing up but because of the effects of the medication, he failed to take another step towards his brother.

Violet held him. "Luke, son you should not move a lot on those legs. You are going to hurt yourself." Luke sat down in the wheelchair again. I cannot believe how these two grew apart. Luke used to take him to school in his wheelchair and for Chris, he was his superhero. Both were inseparable. But now, they are poles apart. "Momma, go to his game. He is right, I am a cripple, I cannot go anywhere anyway."

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now