Shh... ;)

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In honor of the three millionth read of The Day on Wattpad, and the fact that its closeness to being published is ever so close, I've decided to hold a contest.

In two months time, and at the end of this contest, I will trust someone and send them the complete, re-edited and re-written copy of The Day that may or may not be published. (Shh...)

What this person will do is read it, give me some critique, and do the final editing with me. The status of the story itself in regards to being published will not be revealed to them, but they will get a HUGE peak at the new version, which includes things like more Brent and Hailee time and all new characters and a look at the all new epilogue.

This is how the contest will go:

You have to send an "essay", explaining why I should choose you, to my email. at, with the subject line: The Day Contest. It has to have this subject, otherwise I will never be able to find it in my abyss of unread e-mails. The reason for the essay is so I could see what your feelings were towards the story and if they match up with mine and see your gramattical and diction abilities. The essay should include brief analytical paragraphs about the main characters, what you think I could have done better and what you think I should leave. I like learning about people, so if you'd like to err on the side of caution, you should tell me about yourself. What you like, what music inspires you, etc. Don't share any personal information with me, like your whole name or your street address (remember your internet safety rules!) but I'd like it if you told me your name and what state or country you live in. Make sure you put your Wattpad username in there somewhere (if you have one) so I can find you.

That's all I need. This isn't for self-promotion or anything. Also, the winner will be chosen in private, and no one will ever find out who it is other than the person.

There will be three stages.

From now to March 15th, I will be accepting applications. Then, by April 9th, I will have chosen a winner and I will email you back from my personal e-mail so we can exchange information.

Thank you so much for reading this! You're awesome, never forget that.

xx -D

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