(28) Nothing Is Everything

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nothing Is Everything

<The end of the Watty Awards is coming up! So if you guys want to see this story go to the second round, make sure you click the vote button! :) I appreciate it :)

Twizzlers. Love. Dr Pepper.

If I had been in the real world, I’d be the lead of a high-speed chase, because I was going about 110 miles per hour.

It wasn't that I wanted to see Brent faster, no – well, maybe – it’s just… the nothingness was relentless. It kept coming and coming, consuming everything that was in its path. Maybe it would stop once it got to me, I honestly don’t know. But something in my mind told me that it wouldn’t stop there.

Something told me that it wanted everything.

My car kept screeching as I drifted on turns, making my tires smoke from so much friction. The wind was so cold that my throat started burning from exposure to such a thing.

I was alive.

Brent had to be at his house. Or mine. Where else would he be? He must have seen this overwhelming force against us. He had to be waiting for me, otherwise, I didn’t know what that darkness leads to.

Just as I was about to be home-free, I realized that there was a tree blocking the path of the entrance to the highway. I braked, thinking about trying to move it but I thought better of it. Brent’s right, I can barely break pencils, how would I be able to move a tree? I turned back to see how much the darkness had gained, and I saw that it was getting closer to me by the second. I slammed on the gas pedal, turning my car to the right into Downtown San Francisco. There was a way I could get on I-20 from Downtown – if I could find it.

There were tall buildings everywhere. Glass, marble, cement, concrete, you name it, there was a building made out of it. There was a tall, ominous one made out of glass right by the green sign that said I-20.

The familiar noise of metal groaning filled my ears. I turned my head quickly, not trusting my peripherals, and let out a quiet yelp when I saw that the eerie force coming towards me was not inching its way to me anymore – it was metering its way towards me. It seemed to get faster and faster the longer I watched it, so I peeled my eyes from the scary sight and faced forward. All I saw in front of me were avenues, clubs; the usual downtown fare.

Groaning metal filled my ears, and I looked around, confused. There was nothing – “Oh sh-!”

The nothingness had reached the buildings, doing to them the same thing that it did to the bridge. I watched, eyes wide, as they all swayed as if they were tall grass in the wind, moving to and fro with ease.

There was nothing good about metal that swayed.

The first building I saw as I came into the downtown area came crashing down, a football field behind me. The impact shook the ground, making me lose control of my vehicle. I almost slammed into a light pole that was standing by a sign that read Strait Av. I saved myself last minute.

The din was getting louder and louder and all I could her was the sound of metal crashing and all I could feel was the vibration of my car as it shook from all the impacts that the street was getting. Building after building after building came crashing down, taking about a quarter of a block of street with it.

It was getting impossible to drive now; I had to get away from those buildings! Only I didn’t know any other way but to keep going, my eyes focused on the green sign that led to my safety.

Or not. I could never really be safe.

I suddenly thought of the color of Brent’s eyes. Their greenness, the mischievous way they twinkled whenever he teased me.

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