(11) I Love You, 5

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<-----------------THOSE WAYS--------------------> :) 

Please and thank you, enjoy!:) 


"Hailee?" a new voice asked, making me break away from my embrace with Brent.

I turned to confront Alex, ready to fight, but the look on his face stopped me. His mouth was turned down in a frown, but his eyes were twinkling, almost as of he were smiling.

He sighed sadly, his shoulders sagging. "Is it too late to say I think this could work? That I'm sorry for lying?"

I broke away from Brent, completely facing Alex. "Yeah," I answered softly, offering him a small smile.

He forced one back, his eyes expressing pain. "I thought so. Well, we can still be friends?"

"Yes, please?" Meg questioned, walking into the scene.

I rolled my eyes at them, flashing a smile. "Of course," I assured, nodding my head.

Meg's eyes lit up, and Alex straightened. They both smiled at me, and I couldn't help but do it back. Then, Alex's face fell, and Meg frowned.

"We have to go," she admitted, waving at me.

I strolled over to them, enveloping both in a bear hug.

"Well it was fun while it lasted," Alex commented, pouting his lips. I blinked at him twice and nodded.

"Why do you guys act like we're saying goodbye? I told you we'd see each other again," I mumbled, growing increasingly grumpy.

"Yeah, but it won't be the same," Meg said wistfully.

I nodded in agreement, she was absolutely right. "So I'll see you soon then?" I asked, my eyes flicking between them.

"See you soon then," they chorused, grinning. They reminded me somewhat of my mom and dad rifht then And with that, they walked to Alex's car and drove away.

I watched them, but then turned on my heel, facing Brent. I spotted him sitting on a car about three feet away from where I left him. He was watching me carefully, and continued to do so as I approached him, a smirk growing on his face.

When I was close, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck in return. This couldn't look any more like a scene in a romance novel. The boy sitting on a Camero, hugging his new girl.

"I love you," he repeated, beaming.

I looked at him for a long while, cherishing the moment. We seemed to connect on so many levels, like I understood him with just one look.

"I love you more," I admitted, a blush spreading on my cheeks.

He smiled, but surprisingly blushed as well. "I've been waiting for forever for you to say that," he mumbled, narrowing his eyes.

I tilted my head to the right, and my brows knitted in confusion. "Why?"

"No reason," he replied quickly.

I scrunched my face up, but then shrugged indifferently. "Your choice," I breathed out. "Anyway, why did you look like complete crap this morning?" I questioned, pulling away and taking a sear next to him.

He grimaced, and quickly glanced at me. "You have no idea how painful last night and this morning were for me. After you abandoned me, I followed you - all the way to Rodeo. I saw your car, and when I couldn't find you, I took it, and-"

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