Chapter 6 {Dear Rodeo}

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3 Weeks Later

This was the day I was preparing for. Today was the state championship in Wyoming. Today was the Rodeo... well technically the rodeo was tomorrow but we were gonna get to Wyoming today. I had to get up at 4 in the morning which was different than my normal time of 5:30. After packing my bags I got changed. Cowboy boots, a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. I placed my lucky black Stetson on my head and walked downstairs. I grabbed a cup of coffee before taking my duffel bag out to my truck. Krew was already up and he was leading Bonnie into the trailer that we hooked up to my truck last night. I walked over and pet her head. "Your gonna do great Bonnie." "So are you." Krew said pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry we can't be there but I promise we'll be watching you on tv." "I know you will, and besides I won't be totally alone, Reese will be there and so will Bonnie." "Don't get hurt, I don't want to have to drive 9 and a half hours just to see you laying in a hospital bed. " "I won't get hurt." I checked the time. "I gotta get going. Tell dad and Cody I said bye." "I will." I gave him one last hug before getting into my truck. Beeping I made my way down the driveway and then down the road to Riverland Ranch.

Riley was with Parker putting stuff in Riley's truck. A blacked out 2019 Dodge Ram 1500. I pulled into their driveway and slammed my hand on the horn. I saw Riley hit his head on the roof of the truck and Parker almost died laughing. "Was there a reason Matthews!" I nodded laughing "There was very much a reason." He flipped me off which just made me laugh even more.
I guess you could say Riley and I had a love hate relationship. For the past 3 weeks he's been asking to take me out on a date and I won't let him. He was going to the rodeo representing Garrison in bull riding. I got out of the drivers seat and walked over to Riley. "Hey asshole, where's your sister?" "Inside." I nodded and walked into the kitchen where Reese was filling a cooler up with drinks and food for the way down.

"Hey, why do you look like your in a pissy mood?" I asked her. "Because my parents aren't coming anymore." I sighed. I knew that Reese and Riley were both looking forward to seeing there parents, and every time without fail they both made up an excuse as to why they couldn't come see there children. "Why can't they come this time?" "They say that they have a birthday party to go to, so Brooke and Blake are gonna meet us there." I hated to say it but Brooke and Blake have been more parents to Reese and Riley than they're actual parents ever have been. Brooke was only 15 when Riley was born and 17 when Reese was born. Their parents had them young and didn't know how to take care of two kids, so when Reese was 3 and Riley was 5 they're parents left the ranch in the kids name and left them with Brooke and their grandmother. Their grandmother helped take care of them until she passed away when Riley was 14 and Reese was 12. Brooke had already been married to Blake for 3 years by then so when their grandmother passed away Brooke and Blake became Riley and Reese's legal guardians. They were there when their parents weren't. I could see the tears in Reese's eyes. She was really looking forward to seeing Rose and George. "Honey, it's okay to let it out." I pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back gently.

"I'll bring the cooler out to the car, you go get changed." She nodded and went upstairs. Riley walked in and saw me struggling to pull the cooler out. "Why isn't Reese helping you?" He asked easily grabbing the other side of the YETI cooler. "She's upstairs fixing her makeup." "Why?" "Because she was crying, she's upset that your parents aren't coming. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "No you mean Rose and George aren't coming. They stopped being my parents the day they abandoned me and my baby sister." We put the cooler in the back of my truck and pushed it off the tailgate so that it was near the cab. "I wouldn't stress about it. You need to be able to stay on that bull without getting hurt, because for whatever reason Reese looks up to you. Make her proud tomorrow." "I will." He said just as Reese walked out of the house with her bag. She placed it in my back seat. "Come on, it's 4:30 we should get going." "Yeah lets go Riley I've been waiting in the passenger seat of your truck for almost 10 minutes." Parker yelled over. Riley went over to his truck and I got in the drivers seat of mine. The first thing Reese did was hook up her playlist to my blue tooth. The song that came on first was "Dear Rodeo" I looked over to Reese who was smirking and trying to hold back a laugh. "You made a playlist just for this weekend didn't you?" She nodded. "Your great."

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