Chapter 8 {America}

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Happy Birthday America!!!!

Sitting in that waiting room brought back so many memories I never wanted to experience again. Cody had her head rested on my shoulder and Krew sat across from us bouncing his leg. I checked the time on my phone again. 11:23, July 3rd. I saw the doctor walk out. I got up and so did Cody. "Stay here Cody." She nodded and sat back down. Krew followed me over to the doctor. "How is he?" "He had a heart attack." "Oh my God." "He needs to cool off on the cholesterol, and no more chewing Tabaco. Also he needs to quit overworking himself." "You know our dad, he's not gonna do any of that." "Well unless he wants to have another heart attack I suggest he stops." I nodded. The nurse walked out with him. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Why do you care?" I scoffed and pulled my keys out of my pocket.

"You almost died, and all you care about is the fact that I didn't accept the scholarship." I threw my keys to Krew and he caught them easily. "Go screw yourself. Krew can drive you home." I walked out of the hospital and started walking down the road. I saw my truck pull next to where I was walking. "Get in the damn car Brynlee. Stop being so petty." "Yeah, I'm petty." "Brynlee just get in the fucking truck." "No. I know this town like the back of my hand. I'll be fine." Krew just nodded, rolled his window up and drove away leaving me to walk the streets of Garrison, Colorado. The bar was about a half hour walk and they closed at 1:30, so that's where I'm going.

When I finally go to the bar it was 12:13, but it was still fully packed. "Hey! The state champ is here!" Brooke announced. The whole bar started clapping. I sent a small wave before going over to the bar. I sat down next to Riley who looked like he was having a tough night. "What can I get you honey?" "Jack Daniels." She nodded and went to get my drink. "Hey Ry." He looked from his drink. "Hi Brynlee." "Everything okay?" I thanked Brooke for my drink. "Some of the ranch's funds went missing, while Reese and I were gone." I looked at Riley shocked. "What do you mean funds went missing?" "I mean one of my ranch hands is stealing from me." "Oh my God that's terrible, I'm sorry Riley." "Yeah. So what's going on with you? You look like the Broncos just lost the super bowl." "My dad had a heart attack. Just got back from the hospital." "I'm sorry Brynlee. Is he alright?" "He will be." Riley smiled at me. "Guess we've both had pretty shitty nights." "Guess so." "Well while your here I wanna invite you out onto the boat with me, Reese, her new boyfriend, Parker, his girlfriend, and if Krew and and Charlotte can come then them too." "Sounds like a date." "Oh this is our first date? I thought our first date would be at a fancy restaurant?" "Hate to break it to you but their is no fancy restaurants in Garrison." He laughed before sipping his beer. "That's true. So, see you later?" I nodded. "Let me give you my number." "I already have it." "How?" "I got it out of Reese's phone." I nodded. "Alright well, it's late, I should get going." Riley placed two 20s on the counter. "That's for your drinks." "Thanks." "See ya tomorrow." "Bye."

The Next Day

That night I stayed at one of my friend's house. I didn't want to go home. I still had two bags of clothes left in my truck, and a spare set of keys. Let's just hope Krew didn't take them out. After saying thank you to my friend for dropping me off, I went over to my truck that was parked next to Krew's ford f150. I went over to the drivers seat door and tried to get in but it was locked. "You've gotta be kidding me." I sucked up my pride and went into the house. Krew was making breakfast and Cody was in the living room watching tv. "Hey." I said causing him to turn around and look at me. "You done with your bitch fit?" "Funny. Where's dad." "He's not awake yet." "It's 7:30." "I know. I turned off his alarm." "He's gonna kill you." "Probably. You staying for breakfast?" "No, I got work. I only came for clothes, my toothbrush, and my keys." "Why are you taking your shit?" "Because I'm staying somewhere else for a couple of days." "Oh." He turned his back on me again so I went upstairs. Quietly walking past my dad's bedroom I went into my room and out everything I needed in a duffel bag, changed into my uniform, and walked back downstairs.

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