opinions, opinions

316 21 4

Tell me how people feel the need to walk in, like they are the shit, and post their opinions like they are always right and always will be? That they don't care whether or not they are going to start a fight, because secretly they want a reaction out of everyone? and expect no one to comment?

Well ill tell you something, If you really think posting your opinion about stupid things that don't need a whole debate on, and that was just someone else's opinion which in no way was suppose to start a whole war, you need to grow up. alot.

Posting your own opinion in a non malicious way and being open minded about it is different. But continually bashing people for your own entertainment is about the lowest you can get, and the fact that you keep replying obviously proves you are looking for attention, which isnt really a mature thing to do, now is it?

I am certainly not going to be nice to someone who:

1.) Posted their opinion which wasnt even needed in the first place, considering the comment that she replied to had no real opinion in the first place.

2.) Insults one of my good friends for no reason, mainly because she didnt get her / his way.

3.) telling me to 'screw myself' and insulting me.

4.) Trying to tell me what and what not to say.

You are in no place to tell me what to say, and in no place to insult me, my friend, and a random girl who didnt even do anything to you. and if someone puts something even close to disagreeing with me and agreeing with what this girl did, ill go bat shit crazy.

So done with this site, i really am.

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