the ups & downs of mdc hiring threads

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sometimes i hate being honest with u guys LOL but ill do it anywway

hey guys

so i wanted to write this bc

a.) i havent written in this book since the beginning of time

b.) this is a topic that no one seems to think about but can be widely discussed and what not

so the topic is hiring threads. ill be all fancy for a sec here and then ill say what i wanna say.

ups of hiring threads:

(is there a dot or something i can use to list? probs but wHY SHOULD I HAVE TO FIND IT ON GOOGLE??? cmon wp get ur shit together)

●you can find new friends and designers

●improve your online social skills

●hiring people that dont always get hired


downs of hiring threads:

(again with the stupid dot)

●bad designers always apply

●you cant hire everyone

●drama like theres no tomorrow


Now to what i have to say- Some people will eternally hate my guts for saying this but its rlly true. alot, and i mean ALOT, of people suck balls at graphics. Theres a bunch of cocky people who think their covers are the shit on a shingle and they get expected to be hired. As a designer, i had to except the fact that at one point in my designing hobby, i sucked big balls at putting stocks and shit together. I always got upset when i didn't get hired, which is normal. But when you say you can't improve, when you very well can, then youre stuck in some sticky shit pile.

In the hiring threads, i see people say 'i won't apply bc I suck' and people reply with 'i doubt you suck, apply!!!!!!! <3' and then-


They end up sucking like really bad and its horrible to deny them right AFTER you told them you doubted they sucked; so you have to live with the fact that you probably ruined their day.

And I'm not saying I've never done it. when i was younger [and not age meaning, i mean like a youngin in graphic making] I always said something on the lines of ''i'd apply but i suck!''. Posting something publicly like that basically proves that you want the attention and are so convinced that youll magically approve by a few words of a more experienced designer.

I hate to tell you, but posting that you suck on a thread doesn't do you any good. If you think you suck, dont post it on threads and try to get pity. Ask for tips and tricks on how to improve and become as original as you can be.

On the opposite side, as the person trying to be hired- don't say you suckl or you are good enough. To do something like applying in hiring threads or for forums, etc, you have to have at least some confidence in yourself! Even if you dont get hired, do NOT tell yourself that 'Its useless, i suck at being a designer.' Instead, say something like, 'I didnt get hired, but its okay, because Ill try next time and improve my skills, and ill get hired at some point.'

Telling yourself something negative and something that brings you down will not bring you the success that you hope to have. You have to believe in yourself and not want pity from others. You have to walk in there like a star, and be the best you can be before you want peoples opinions.

Ill tell you right now that I always freak out when i apply for threads. People say i shouldn't, and that i always get hired, but that's not the point. In the back of my head, i will always tell my self that i wont get hired because there is someone better, and that there's no point. But i listen to the opinions of others that tell me that I'm good with stocks or blending. I say it in my head that even if i dont get hired i can still try and one thing shouldn't ruin everything else in store for me. I keep trying whether i have no inspiration or feel like a piece of shit on the sidewalk because someone told me my text is weird and i should use different fonts.

In the end, its really about you, your opinion, and your motivation. If you keep dissing yourself and asking for pity from people, just to get turned down, then thats not gonna get you any farther than what you were at before. You gotta trust yourself and your skills well enough to be confident in what you do and what the outcome is, whether its bad or good. Use your fail as something to improve on.

I have to end this or else ill start getting sappy and rude and shit ok and btw im too lazy to proofread so sorry lol

troye wink


btw just an update, i hate the new wp it sucks so bad sorry

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