hate comments

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i have personally gotten only about 5 hate comments on all my books together, but i know people who get hate everyday. So what i dont get is these hoes think they are cool or some shit and say ''ohhhhhhhh your book sucks'' and ''i cant even read this its so bad'' like oh my fucking god i cant stand them. Whats the point of commenting if you dont like the book? Instead of hurting peoples feelings with your ratchet ass heart, look in the mirror and see how much of a bitch you are.

If i ever sent hate to someone, i would feel like shit for a long time, unless; they deserved it, thats just revenge, call me cruel. But anyway.

The people that post hate on stories and profiles and pms are just looking to have someone scoop down to their level and sadly people do. 

Lesson like one or some shit; delete their comments, block them if they pm you, and dont speak a word to them. I get that you wanna bitch  to them and make them feel just as shitty as you did, but you cant do that, bc allllllll youre doing is make them happy bc your hurt.

so i just wanna report all these bitches that send hate but where is the report button on their profile

is there even one

the world may never know


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