when logic meets bitches all hell breaks loose

168 21 20

(just so u know, im kind of mad so dont mind the typos lolol)

ok guys so

my friend who shall go unnamed was on a book, and saw that the unknown author (who we shall refer to as Stuffy) made a competition to make a cover for a book that shes getting published

yaaay ur getting published and all of a sudden u better than everyone else woop hooray get the shots

so my friend (lets call her Soap lol) and her friend politely posted a comment

 the thing is, Stuffy wanted a cover and was only giving credit in the book, no money or anything

and if anyone knows about graphic design and having it as ur job

giving Stuffy a cover would basically be cheap labor

So Soap and her friend posted politely and stuffy when inSane

Stuffy got v mad, calling people names and contradicting what she had previously said

Stuffy was so over-confident and talking about her publishers and what not

and my friend Soap, bc she knows about graphic design and the perks of getting paid, told her that she was wrong, in a friendly way

so, theres so much shit going on, and it ends after hours 

everythings still awkward until


Stuffy posts basically a RANT about Soap and her friend telling her that what she was doing is wrong

And no, its not like this rant where the true identities are hidden

Stuffy said the usernames, and even copy and PASTED  comments from the previous chapter (the one about the cover)

So Soap now has been recieving hate mail via tumblr via anons (pathetic tbh lolol)

And another thing

Stuffy put words into Soaps mouth, saying that Soap wanted Stuffy to pay EVERYONE that entered the contest, when really all Soap did was tell Stuffy that the winner should be paid more than a little cover design by in 8 pt print

Let me pls tell you, that Stuffy states she has a full job that a teenager could not have (bc of the required things you need to be the job), and said she knew about money

what i dont understand is, shes insulting people she doesnt know, on a site of people that make graphics for FUN

and she gets mad when the designers that have been there for years (her herself not even being a designer) and they tell her that shes wrong to do that

People on wattpad dO NOT GET PAID, let me stress that out

This is not a COMPANY  wanting you to BUY peoples DESIGNS

half of wattpad are young teenagers writing smut and ranting about their problems

So when a grown ass woman gets on a site of mainly teenagers or young adults (with of course exceptions), and accusing people, including Soap, of things they didnt say

It makes me wonder

how many people over the age of 20 actually became adults?

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