@username before or after @username

214 15 22

ok so this rant is kind of dumb but its more like a poll

i was staring blankly at the mdc posts, and some people do this:

"this is a comment praise me @username"

and some people do this:

"@username this is a comment praise me"

i was just wondering, whether you post in the mdc, story comments, message  boards or whatever,

do you put the username before your message or after?

i think its different for me. like if im writing code to deliver, i usually type the code and then the username, if its a long paragraph i type first then put the username

but if im answering one person with a few words like "haha lmao" or something, i put the username first

im just wondering what your tagging habits are lmao

comment down beloww

//boob squeeze

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