21 | Caught

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Elijah's POV:

I woke up with my vision still hastily. I look around and Maya sat on the couch beside me watching the tv screen.

Her eyes flash towards mine, but then go back to the screen. My body aches remembering what happened right before I was out.

I lift my shirt searching for the bruises she caused, and yet nothing. The pain was still there, yet the marks were gone.


"Where'd my bruises go?" I questioned as I tried getting up without inflicting pain any further.

"I covered them with makeup." Her voice was so calm I found it unreal.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you hurt me." I just want to know, why she does it. She never has a reason besides 'because I can'.

"It doesn't matter, go sleep in your room." She pointed at the stairs dismissing me.


Maya's POV:

He didn't deserve it. I'd be lying if I said causing him pain didn't hurt me on the inside. But it everyone for themselves in the end.

Meaningless emotions like this aren't necessary, I need to do what I came here to do. Ruin their lives and leave them broken like Anastasia had done me.

It's wrong on many levels, but this has to be done. I fucked up, by cutting him. My ring with my hand went to his face causing a gash on his cheek.

Blood droplets stained his perfectly cubby cheeks. I hate myself for hurting him like this, but Anastasia deserve this.

The only thing better than taking it out on her would be taking it out on the two people she loved most.

After I hurt him, I drove to see Nate. He looked even more handsome then the last time I saw him.

When I got back here, he laid on the couch peacefully.

Not doing anything to him, I reach for the remote and turn the tv on. Curiosity got the better of me, as I reach at his shirt seeing the bruises I created.

My heart ached looking at the poor boy. I got the make up from my room applying it on the bruises so they wouldn't be visible to Anastasia.

I finished in time, because as I put the makeup away and start watching again his little groan snaps my head towards him.

His little green eyes make me regret even hurting Anastasia. But I can't, she ruined my life and I'm gonna do the same to her.

"Where'd my bruises go?" He questioned trying to get up.

"I covered them with makeup." I keep my tone blunt not letting my guiltiness deep through.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you hurt me." I wanted to tell him, so he wouldn't hate me. But I think just about anyone would hate me if they were in his place.

"It doesn't matter, go sleep in your room." I dismissed him, and he left not getting the answered to his question.


Anastasia's POV:

"Stop, I'm trying to work." I was sitting on his lap, bored out of mind trying to get attention from this man.

"I just need attention for like 2 minutes." I groaned annoyed at him not complying at what I'm asking.

I'm going to pick up Elijah in less than 20 minutes, so I just need to stay busy until then.

"No because 2 minutes, is gonna turned into a lot more than that." He rolled his eyes and continued doing the paperwork.

I groan in frustration, and get up from his lap.

𝐹𝒪𝑅𝐸𝒱𝐸𝑅 𝑀𝐼𝒩𝐸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ