Chapter 109 (2/2)

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"I want to go"

He only wanted to come for her

That's all he acred about

Sure, he would be useful. Tucker had a good mind for makeup and all thosedabbles. He was in Theater. He was good at changing into many people at once

Yes, I could use him, you see...


As if I was going to let him come anywhere near her

"No...You're not"

Undertaker stood and tossed a bag over him "This is only meant for Little One and I, not anyone else"

Tucker glared at the Male "I thought this was a team effort--There was no team"

The albino stared at him and then looked to the machine. He looked back before smirking "If you won't let me.."

He powered the machine and stared at the sparks it created

"I'll go in myself"


He had gotten sucked it

I wasn't able to find him for days

However, I had other things to worry about


After bringing her home, I had to decided what to do next

She had been sleep ever since, I had began to worry

Undertaker stared at her as she layed in the Coffin, low breathing and eyes closed. She looked so sweet and lifeless

Like the perfect little Doll

He sat a hand on her cheek and began to smile "You're still warm. That's a good thing"

Yet, that one day, everything had been ruined

The Male hummed as he stepped in the small hallway

He stopped once he came up to a door and pushed it open, looking inside "Still sleeping I see"

He walked in and went up to the Coffin. He had an Oxygen tank for her just in case he ever closed it. He walked up to it and bent down "Now, let's try and see if you can wake up again"

He lift the lid up before his face began to lower, a frown coming to his face

She wasn't inside

Undertaker stared at the spot and then looked around "Dear?"

She wasn't anywhere near, was she..

A strike of panic flew into him as he began his small search. Even if she had gotten awake, she couldn't have gone far. He would've heard her too!

But, he did find something

He stopped and looked down at the paper on the floor hidden by one of the tanks. He bent down and lift it up, unfolding it.

And there sat a little paw print. A Wolf one?

And on the back had a name

A name he had came to hate

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ