Chapter 11

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She held her hands infront of her and held on to one of the thick branches of the familiar tree. She smiled at the Reapers and hopped down "Thanks for helping me!" Grell's eyes went wide as she ran towards the woods. "W-Wiliam! She's getting away!" He hopped out the window, the strict Reaper following behind him.

That's when the door burst open to her room. Ciel made a quick swipe and then looked to see the curtains fluttering in the wind. He groaned and looked back to his Butler. "They gave her an advantage. I should've told Finny to uproot that tree.." He stomped the the front, the ravenette in tow. They hurried down the stairs and rushed to the front doors.

This Manor was surrounded by acres of land, it would take her all night to find the gate. "Search the perimeter! Find her, that's an order!" The Butler bowed "Yes, my Lord" Sebastian took off as soon as those words left the his mouth.

He raced past trees and animals at an alarming rate, trying to track the girl down. He thought for a moment before rustling was heard in one of the trees. He ran over, hoping that it was the puffy haired girl only to find Grell struggling in a tree. He sighed and walked towards it. Grell noticed and gasped with a happy smile "Has my Bassy in shining armor come to save me?"

Sebastian shivered, and not in a good way. "Did you see where Lady Cheyenne last went" Grell grunted as he tried to get lose but only made himself in a more tangled mess "Well, I was hot on her tail til she climbed this tree. I tried catching her but she kept switching places and hiding in the leaves! So, I got tangled in these vines and leaves while William chassed after her down there"

He pointed to the right side, where the road was showing through. Sebastian nodded and ran down "W-Wait! What about me!?" The Demon sped faster away from the struggling Reaper. He listens closely for any change.


Wind blowing

Trees shaking

Running water

Fast footsteps

He suddenly appeared infront of the running girl but before he could trap her, she ducked and let the Death Scythe knock into his jaw. She ran past him and into a bush. Sebastian rubbed his jaw as the Reaper glared back at him. "You scum ruin everything.." The Reaper passed him and chased after the girl but now had nothing to follow her on.

She was gone, she had ran away far enough. He grumbled and sent one last glare to Sebastian before going back over to help Grell. The Butler went to sense her but it was odd.

He couldn't

He couldn't sense her, find her, smell her scent. Nothing.

She had finally gotten away.

But, that didnt stop Sebastian. The Butler followed the road as fast as he could. He wasn't about to have her risk not accomplishing an order from his Master.

'If she knew any better, she would be following the path'

He followed the dirt road trying to catch anything the resembled the short girl. That's when he saw her.

Across the fucking road. She must've done it to change their direction. She caught him looking at her and glared, stopping and turning to go deeper in the woods while running straight. The Demon quickly followed after her, pushing the branches that she threw at him.

The girl suddenly turned around and pointed something to him. Sebastian stopped infront of her with his arms behind his back as he stared down at her while she pointed the dagger at his torso. "Get the fuck away from me. I'm not going back to the Manor, I'm not staying there" Sebastian didnt move the whole while he stared her down.

'Leaving like this would be fucking stupid. Then again, he's a Demon..' Reading her thoughts, he knew she was trying to formulate a plan. 'Oh shit! He can hear my thoughts!' He pulled a suprised face as she stared into his eyes. She swiftly turned on her heel and took off. Thank God she was wearing boots.

The sound of horses caught her attention. She smirked and ran into the road, Sebastian right behind her. Seeing the speeding horses, she jumped forward and extended her body enough so she could get past. Sebastian sadly, who was right behind her, was hit by the horses chest, causing the creatures to stumble and the driver to cry out. Cheyenne rolled on the ground before smiling at the 'injured' Bassy and ran back into the bushes, following the dirt path.

"Sir! Sir, are you alright?"

The ravenette winced as he sat up, the driver stepping down to check on him and calm the horses. The carriage doors opened and a gasp was heard.


The girl rushed over, her brother close behind. "Come, we'll get you in the carriage and take you back to the Manor" Edward helped him stand along with the driver. "What were you doing all the way out here?" Elizabeth gave him a worried look. Sebastian shook his head and glanced to where the short girl ran "There was a recent report of Wolves in the area. I was only trying to find out where they were exactly"

Way behind them, the short brown skinned girl stopped and breathed heavily. "Good God..." She panted some and walked in a circle. If she rested to quick, she would get sick and she didnt want that. So, she walked in a circle until she felt cooled down. She didnt have much when she came to Phantomhive's Manor. Just her Phone, clothes, and blades. Daggers and two Swords specifically. Sadly, they took the Swords, still have her clothes and she has the other two.

She thought for a moment and looked around. 'The sun's gonna set soon..' That could explain why the heat was just now getting to her. She turned and decided to walk the rest of the way. She didnt want to be in plain daylight, getting darker was not an option. Plus, her hair was frizzy and needed to be properly combed.

Cheyenne walked for a little longer, at least she followed the road. Once she treaded up a small hill, she was finally able to see the gates. A smile broke out on her face. She could run and help slow down the travel but she decided it would be best of she went tomorrow. Therefore, she set up camp. She climbed a tree and found a sturdy enough branch, after a couple had fell.

Cheyenne let out a sigh and laid back. The sky turned a pinkish color this time. It looked pretty. She gets to see things like this on a regular. Ever since she was younger, her Momo, grandmother if that helps, lived in the country in Louisiana. It wasn't a bad place, there was tons of space to run around in and you could see the stars clearly. When she moved to Alabama, she lived in the suburbs. Which was normal considering her Momma was a hard working engineer.

She lived in one of the 'rich' neighborhoods. People called her rich for it, yes, but the only thing she cared about was the outside. Seeing the stars at night was worth it along with the sunrise and sunset. She even took pictures.

Cheyenne decided it was time for her to close her eyes and rest for awhile. She situated herself and closed her eyes.

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon