Chapter 17

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The dark brown haired girl looked around her room in wonder. Who knows who could been in here. What could've happened in here. In all honesty, she wanted nothing more than to just explore the large Palace and find hidden secrets.

But, she couldn't. Someone would stop her first chance she got. So, Cheyenne decided to stay in her room for a bit.

Then the door flew open. "What are you doing just sitting here!? C'mon, I wanna try this 'Pizza' thing!" Cheyenne felt a hand grab her arm and eagerly lift her up. She huffed as Grey rushed down the hall with her "It couldn't wait?" Grey scoffed and looked back at her "Of course not. That food looked interesting and good. If it's a world favorite then I must try it"

Cheyenne gave him an airy laugh as he turned back forward "Look at ya, only thinkin' 'bout ya stomach" Grey 'tch'd' and opened the door to the kitchen, it was gigantic. Cheyenne looked around in amazement before smirking "I bet yall dont even have the ingredients to make it" Grey smirked himself and snapped, a line of Chef's appearing behind him. "Tell them what you need and they'll make it"

Grey walked off to a bench, leaving Cheyenne with the group of men. "Alright, well. All I need is flour, a little bit of salt. Some sugar, yeast, water, and oil" A few nodded and some had already ran off. Cheyenne walked over to one Chef "Do you guys have any measuring cups?"

"Of course, My Lady. In her--You ain't gotta call me that. Cheyenne's fine" The Chef looked hesitant but then nodded "Yes, Cheyenne. The cups are in here" As soon as he told her their placement, the Chefs all came back and placed the ingredients down. She nodded "Good. Thank you. You're all dismissed" The Chefs all stared at her in suprise. One stepped up "Wouldn't you just rather tell us to cook this, Miss Cheyenne?" She shook her head "Nope. Cause me and Grey are gonna make it"

A noise of suprise was made and soon the scuffling of feet. Grey shoved himself between two men and walked over to Cheyenne "No. You are going to make it, you know how to do so anyway" Cheyenne shook her head "It would be selfish of me not to pass down my wisdom" Grey narrowed his eyes at her but then crossed his arms. "I guess it wont be that hard" He then glanced at the Chefs and waved his hand "You heard what she said, leave" Cheyenne glared at him and smiled at the group "It's alright. Take care"

They nodded and left. Cheyenne walked to the island where the items were placed "Dang Grey, so mean" The albino rolled his eyes and followed, standing next to her "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Little Miss" Now, she rolled her eyes.

"So, first we put two cups of flour in here. I think that's what Momma said" She passed the bowl to Charles along with the flour and measuring cup. He looked at the contents, then to her. She looked back down at the bag and back at him "Pour it in"

He narrowed his eyes "Why wont you do it?" Cheyenne crossed her arms "Cause I'm helpin' with the next step" Charles scoffed and grabbed the bag, mumbling "Pour it in, like I cant pour in two cups.."

He grabbed the bag with a hard jerk, letting a cloud of white release from inside. "Jesus! Calm down with the flour! It'll look like Crack if it keeps sprayin' everywhere" Grey opens the bag and adjusted it, letting everything inside flow out. He sat it down and looked to Cheyenne "There. Told you" She bucked her head and crossed her arms "Alright. Since you think your tough shit, do the next step" Grey cleard his throat and stood tall "I am...Wait, what?" She chuckled at her joke and waved her hand, putting some salt inside. She picked up spatula and handed it to him "Stir it"

Grey scoffed "I dont take orders from you" He snatched it from her hands and sat it in the bowl "...But I do want to eat this thing" He stirred it for some time and then Cheyenne poured the yeast in, along with the water and oil. After having an argument with Grey saying that she needed to boil the water, they finally got all the ingredients inside.

"Now, you massage it!" She placed her, of course freshly washed, hands in and swirled it around. Grey yawned as he watched her form it into dough and then put a towel over it "Now we wait for fifteen minutes" A whine came from the albino, Cheyenne snapping her fingers to shut him up "At! Ain't nobody go time for your whinin'. We can pass it by playing with my Phone"

She sat down next to him on the bench and pulled up a game. "This is Cookin' Mama. You cook on it and...That's it, really" Grey lift the Phone and stared at the screen "Can we eat them after we make them?" Cheyenne chuckled "I mean, if you wanna go through the screen, bet. But, nah we cant. Unless we make them in real life but who knows how long that takes"


Cheyenne got up from her chair and took off the towel "Time for the final piece"

"Hold on! This is my last chance, I'm almost done!" She looked over to Grey as he tried to flip the meat without it burning. "Boy, that's the easiest one on there. My Nieces can finish that thing and their babies...." Grey glared at her "Dont brag! I--NO!" The meat burned and Mama had a frown on her face. He lift the Phone high "You worthless trash!" Before he swung his arm down, a sound came...


He looked towards the short girl but groaned as something hit his stomach. His grip on the Phone loosen, letting it drop. Cheyenne quickly grabbed it and distanced herself from Grey. She knew he wouldn't hesitate to strike her back. Even if she only head ramed him back, he will take it as a challenge and fight back. He lift his head and glared at her "You dare hurt me, Woman?"

She glared back at him "You could've broke my Phone!" Grey stomped his way over "Do you have any idea of who I am?"

"What right do you have to act in such a manner in front of me! Do you know who you're speaking to? Learn to act right in a man's presence!"

"Damn your tilte!"

The albino stopped once he was towering over her, chest to chest. "I dont give two fucks of who you are or what you are. I'm going to speak to you the same way I would speak to another person! Now, back the fuck off me!" She pushed him back and went over to her dough. Charles looked at her for a moment, scoffing at her attitude change, and dusting himself off.

Cheyenne sat there for a moment before massaging the dough again, separating it into two, putting more flour on a large pan, placed the two doughs on top and covering it back up "I'll set this 'er. And we will wait for twenty four hours--TWENTY FOUR!?"

She nodded back at Grey "Yup. We do the real stuff tommarow" She walked away while Grey whined "I cant wait a day! What if this is the dream food I've been looking fo--Hey! Get back here!"


Cheyenne laughed at one of the old videos she had of her friends and swiped out. A sad smile came on her face at the thought of her old home, she hoped they were doing fine. Then she thought back to Grey.

The albino lift his hand high to the sky, Phone in hand and an angered look written all over his face "You worthless trash!"

He was about to destroy the main thing that she had close to her Family. Yes, Samsung's may be strong but Grey would probably do anything in his power to smash it. A creek was heard behind her.

She looked back to see a familiar Butler with his head down. He walk over to her bed and sat something down, leaving right afterwards. Cheyenne lift a brow and stood from where she sat by the window and to her bed. Nightfall had already came, her favorite time of day.

She pressed the Flashlight icon on her Phone and looked over the wrapped object. She undid the messy wrapping and smiled at the little chocolate balls "Chocolate? This must be his way of sayin' sorry" Her smile softened as she stared at the treat, putting one in her mouth as she glanced at the door "Heh, forgiven"

"Dont think I got them for you for another reason!"

Cheyenne sweatdropped "...Are you standing at my door?"



His footsteps trailed off while Cheyenne laughed at him. "He's so silly"

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