Chapter 35

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"Yeah...That's about it"

Queen Victoria nodded along with the story as she tried to brush Cheyenne's hair. It a was a little tangled but, hey...

At least their trying to get that shit unloose

A harsh tug was made, making Cheyenne wince and rub her head "Oh, no.." Cheyenne looked in the mirror to see Victoria holding up the brush, a few of the bristles missing. She sweatdropped "Dang, and here I thought it wasnt that bad" Victoria chuckled at her little joke and sat the brush down "I'll just have to find another" Queen Victoria had asked to remind her on a few things, mostly Xander and who he was. She said she was still confused.

Cheyenne stood and went to the do---"Cheynne. What's your thoughts on Grey?"

Cheyenne's brows furrowed "On Fatty?" Queen Victoria nodded with a giggle "Yes, the shorter one" Cheyenne 'heh'd' and looked down at her feet with a smile.

"But Greeeeyyyy!"

"But Cheyeeennnee!"

The two were standing outside her room. She was leaning on the door frame just like he was. He wanted to go and take her around but she want to sit around. See the problem here?"You've been gone for so long" Cheyenne rolled her eyes "It was a few weeks at least, maybe even a week and a half" Grey rolled his eyes but froze once they landed on the, now, albino that sat on her bed. She had to tell the Queen later about who he really was but decided to keep the fact of him being her son away from Grey and anyone else on that matter. The only people that will know will be his 'Father', the Queen, and the residents of the Phantomhive estate.

He glared at the boy and looked back down to Cheyenne "You did promise we would make cupcakes.." Cheyenne pouted slightly and sighed "Fine...But," She yanked him down to her height and tossed him a smirk

"It better be worth my time. I dont mind punishing others.."

She teasingly kissed his cheek and let him go, walking down the hall. Grey stood there frozen for a bit while Xander watched in confusion as he pieced things together. He hasn't turned back to his original self yet. She's surrounded by white haired men so he really wasn't surprised but, what if he turns back and everyone asks questions? Xander shook his head and then looked back to the blushing, frozen Grey. Maybe this man will be his new Father.

Grey shook out of his state and glared at Xander, crossing his arms and sticking his tounge out as he left.

Well, for a Father, he doesn't exactly like his 'could be' son

Then again, Grey doesnt know him. To Grey, he's like a rival. How sad. One thing Grey could conclude was that Cheyenne had became a bit more of a tease and oddly enough, he enjoyed it. Seeing him in a submissive state just brought a small joy to her life.


"Cheyenne, you..Stay still"

Cheyenne turned to him with a lifted brow and froze as he came closer. Cheyenne closed her eyes, waiting to feel something and something did. A tounge, guiding across her cheek. Her brown cheeks grew heated as he stood back up and licked the icing that still sat on his lips "You had some on your cheek. Taste sweet.." He sent her a wink and went back to giving the cupcakes. Cheyenne grumbled and lightly smacked his arm "Grey!" The albino laughed at her embarrassment

He had his times

Cheyenne hummed in a dream like state as she thought of the Butler, a familiar feeling coming to her chest. The Queen gave her a dead stare, figuring out exactly what was going on.

She had fallen..

Cheyenne thought that out of all the Black Butler characters she knew, she thought she'd get Alois, Claude, maybe even Grell. But, Grey? She thought she would never even meet him, much less get along with him.

The Queen narrowed her eyes at the girl, blinking as soon as a swipe of pink fell over them "Well, it was only a question. Nothing more, nothing less" Cheyenne snapped out of her distracted state and nodded "Right...Right"

"Night, night!" Victoria waved back at Cheyenne as the short girl left "Good night!"

The Queen stared at the door a little longer once it had closed. Her grip grew tighter on her glove for a moment till she let it go and walked back to the dresser, taking up the few pieces of the hair that was left over and stuffing it in a pocket.


Cheyenne let out an exhausted sigh as she flopped on the bed. It had been a long few days ever since she had came back. Everyone happy to see her, Xander wandering off and getting lost.

That's when she thought back to the Queen 'Was she alright...She seemed a little different..'

A knock came to her door. Cheyenne stood and walked over, opening it "Yello--Oh, hi Queen Victoria. How come you're here?" Victoria held a cold face as she stared at the shorty. The Queen stepped in and closed the door while Cheyenne backed away, her hand going to her thigh. This wasnt normal, she had to be cautious.

The eyes of the Queen flickered a bright fuchsia as she stepped closer "Why are you running, my Dear?"

An odd ooze dripped from the Queen. It was her fucking face! It was like her lips were coming off!

She was tilting her head with a confused look "Is there a problem? You seem afraid. Angry, even..." The ooze dripped and some stayed afloat as the Queen's figured dissapeared, glob by glob "If anything...I should be the one upset.."

The ooze that flew around and fell to the floor circled around the Queen as she suddenly twirled. The black caved over her figure while Cheyenne pulled two of her daggers from her thighs. Soon, two golden eyes stared into hers as a familiar Butler came to face her

"Sharing your lips with another? How foolish"

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