Chapter 41

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"What brings you to our door at this late hour?"

"My Coworker and I have been caught outside in this wicked storm. We were hoping we might trouble you for lodging tonight"

Even though she couldn't see their eyes, she felt them staring at her. Cheyenne backed up some, Claude noticing her sudden change. A new body popped up, running to the newcomers.

"Look at you! You're both so filthy, you look just like a drowned Rat!"

Alois stood on his toes in his boots, getting a whiff of the taller Male "But still, you smell rather nice. What's your name?" The two strangers stood quiet, not even saying a word. Alois went back to his normal height, looking back to his Butler "These Men will be staying with us" Claude narrowrd his eyes in irritation.

"Understood, Claude?"

The lighting flashed in his glasses as the lightning struct once more. Alois looked next to Claude and smiled, pulling the taller Man in while the other followed "Oh! This is Cheyenne, she's my best friend! My name is Alois Trancy and this is my trusted Butler, Claude! It's so wonderful to meet you" Cheyenne smiled and waved slightly, letting her hand go back down with a small frown while Claude just silently stared at the two.

Soon, the five were in a new room, the dining room. Alois sat down next to the tallest one while the shorter did the same on the left. Cheyenne sucked in some breath, were they expecting her to sit next to the shorter one? 'Do I have to....'


Cheyenne went over to the other sets of chairs and sat down, scooting herself in. Alois smiled as two plates were sat down infront of the newcomers. He lift one up "Try this one. Claude's cooking is simply delicious"

"Yes, I'm sure it taste quite nice. However,"

The group looked to the tallest while Cheyenne chewed a piece of bread. She stopped at a new feeling and glanced to the shorter cloaked figure, seeing him move his head away. She narrowed her eyes as she slowly started chewing once more.

"Please observe the speck of sauce on the rim of the plate" Claude's natural glare went to the taller Man as he continued, seeing the small little speck sitting there "I assume it would've been too great inconvenience to dap it with a cloth" Cheyenne stared at him till she huffed a laugh and looked down, ignoring th glances she got 'You mean to tell me, this bitch can't eat 'cause there a little drip of sauce on the plate. There's gonna be sauce no matter what anyway. Imagine doin' this shit infornt of my Momma, bruh'

"My apologies, Sir. I'll clean this" Claude bowed and soon lift up the plate "I didn't realize a Man who doesnt remove his coat a dining table would have such sensibility" Cheyenne smirked 'I love how their roasting each other Victorian Era style'

As Claude walked away, Cheyenne finished her bread and sighed. She could leave and go to sleep or something. So, shestood and pushed in her chair, catching Alois's attention. She smiled at the blonde "'scuse me. I'm gonna go prepare for bed. Goodnight" As she walked, Alois smiled and waved back "Bye, Cheyenne! Be careful up those stairs. You slip entirely too much on them" Cheyenne rolledher eyeswith a smile, closing the door as she left.


Cheyenne looked over her Phone while she sat in her room. She contemplated on whether to go to sleep or not, she didn't want to miss any action. But, she was dressed in a good old black tang top and long baggy, fuzzy pants. She loved those things. A small knock was made on the door, the door soon opening. Her eyes widened in surprise as she put her Phone in her pocket and ripped her earbuds from her neck, stuffing them in her pocket as well.

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