Chapter 11

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"So you're basically telling me that your life just became something out of a book?" Liv asks while eating more popcorn.

"Yeah basically, I did pray a lot, I asked God to turn my life into a book so I guess my prayer actually came true!" I say with a shrug.

"Geez, are you safe here?" Liv asks worried, I nod.


Andrew walks in before we can come in and he looked at Liv with just amusement on his face.

"Hey there sweetheart, Connor said that I should tell you that you need to go home now!" Andrew says in his british accent, Liv rolls her eyes before turning to me.

"Will you text me?" Liv asks worried.

"Yes, I will most definitely text you!" I say smiling, Liv squashes me in a hug before leaving.

"Is Liam back?" I ask Andrew.

"Sorry love, not yet!" Andrew says with a small smile, I sigh and lay down on the bed. "Let's go out sweetheart!" I instantly get up, Andrew is leaning against the door.

"Out as in out of this house?" I ask excited.

"Yes love, I have nothing to do for the next 5 hours, Connor isn't at home, so yeah, out of the house!" Andrew says smiling, I instantly jump out of bed.

"Let me just change into something else and than we can go!" Andrew leaves and instantly change into whatever I see first, blue jeans, a pink tshirt that has a unicorn and says "I'm a unicorn" and converses.

I find Andrew in the living room sitting on the couch and playing with a ball, the moment he sees me he chuckles.

"You look adorable love!" Andrew says smiling causing my cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.

"So where are we going and what are going to do?" I ask excited when we get downstairs, I breathe in the fresh air and sigh in relaxation.

"Well I don't really know what you like to do, usually the girls I have been with don't even leave my room!" Andrew says smirking causing my face to turn the same shade of pink as my t-shirt and Andrew bursts out laughing, he swings his arm around my shoulders. "Tell me sweetheart, what is it that you like to do?"

"Well I don't know, nobody has ever asked me that!" I say with a small shrug.

"Well than we are going to find out today!" Andrew says and starts walking. "Let's build our way up starting from food!"

"Wait!" I halt causing Andrew to raise an eyebrow. "I don't want you to use your money on me, you earned that money and I'm already staying at your place!" I ramble and Andrew smiles.

"Well you see right, the perks of working on a gang is that you get a lot of money for the job you get and I really don't have anyone to spoil, but now you came and you remind me of my sister!" Andrew says the last part with a sad smile. "Let me spoil you like how I would spoil my sister if she was here, please!"

I sigh. "Fine, you can spoil me but not a lot!" Andrew chuckles and leads me to his really expensive Audi, I don't know the model, there's way too many names for me to remember.


"Oh God, that was so fun!" I squeal excitedly when we get to our floor.

"Well now you know some of the stuff that you like!" Andrew says laughing, it is now 5 pm, we spent about 4 hours roaming the city, we went to the game arcade, went to this trampoline place, icecream, got food, coffee and the toy shop and we got lots of stuff for ourselves and for Liam, Connor and Andrew insisted I take something for Liv.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Liam growls angry the moment we enter the living room, i don't really know how people growl, I can't do it, tried it a couple times and yet was unsuccessful.

"We went on an adventure across the city and we came back bearing lots of gifts!" I say excitedly,I start digging in the bags that we left on the floor for the gift I got for Liam, I got him a teddy bear that has blue eyes and is wearing black clothes, Andrew insisted we built one custom one for each of them.

"Chill mate, she had a blast!" Andrew says smiling, I find the adorable teddy bear and extend it to Liam who looks like a kettle with all the anger.

"It's supposed to be you!" I say smiling and placing the teddy bear on his hands.

"Mate, she is fine!" Andrew says cautiously and before we know it Liam swings his fist at Andrew who was caught completely off guard and fell back.

"What the fuck Liam, we had just gone out!" Andrew says angry.

"I have been worried sick and you guys were off enjoying yourselves!" Liam yells angry, he takes the teddy bear and rips the head off. "I don't want a fucking gift!" Liam growls and my heart shatters into a thousand pieces watching poor teddy bear on the floor with his head separated from the body.

"Mate what the fuck is wrong with you, do you have any idea how much love she put into that thing and you tore it apart right in front of her!" Andrew yells angry, I feel the tears run down my face and quickly wipe them with my hand.

I sniff catching both the boys attention, Liam's face instantly fills with guilt and regret.

"I'm going to bed!" I say without looking at them and turn to go to my room when someone grabs my arm and forces me to turn around to find Liam.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Liam says genuinely. I take a few more deep breaths stuffing my emotions in the chest before looking up to meet his deep blue ocean eyes.

"I'm tired and I need sleep!" I say in a monotone voice, Liam's face flashes with hurt that makes my heart break, I quickly stuff that feeling down before turning to Andrew who now has an ice pack on his cheek. "Thank you Drew, I had a blast today!"

I pull my hand from Liam and he doesn't hold back, I get to the room and just shut the door, my brain is way too tired to be crying right now so I just change into some comfortable pyjamas and get in bed where i instantly fall into the world of dreams.


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