Chapter 24

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I stare as blood starts pooling on the ground, dark red blood oozing out of the wound in my father's chest.

"Lea we have to go now!" A voice bellows and starts dragging me away, my only family lies on the floor limp. "LEA LISTEN TO ME ALRIGHT!" The voice bellows causing me to snap into reality to find stormy gray eyes staring into mine, around us chaos, gunshots, blood.

"My dad, I have to go back for him." I say hyperventilating as tears run down my face and I try to pull away from him and he tightens his grip.

"I need you to focus and try to breathe alright, we need to leave or you and your friends will die, your friend is still unconscious, so I need you to be here." His words calm but concern and anger fill every inch of his eyes.

"Boss, we have to leave now." One of the men say, Damien nods before handing me a helmet, someone shoots and Damian throws himself over me and starts cursing, a dark read spot appears on his shoulder.

"Get in the fucking bike and get her out of here now!" He yells to a a girl standing a couple meters away whom was shooting too, she stares at him concerned before nodding and getting in the bike.

"Wait my friends, I can't leave them." I say and start going the other way before I'm pulled back again to find Damien who's clutching his shoulder that is bleeding.

"Fucking hell Lea, just fucking leave, your friends are safe and if you don't leave you will die alright." He pushes me towards the bike and I hesitantly get in as I put my helmet in, the girl drives away without looking back, I shut my eyes and hold her tight.

The bike slowly comes to a stop and when I open my eyes I recognize the mansion.

"You shouldn't stay out, your friends are already inside." The girl says calmly and I notice her stormy gray eyes, her raven black hair, a relative of Damien, I nod and follow her in.

"I'm sorry about your father." She says calmly, I don't say anything and shortly afterwards we stop by a room. "You can go in, your friends are in there." She says before leaving.

I take a couple deep breaths before knocking on the door, I hear Drew's voice saying come in, I slowly peak before fully entering the room or what actually is more like a living room with another door to somewhere.

The moment Drew sees me he gets up and pulls me in for a hug and I break as I hug him closer, tears are running down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"It's fine, let it out." Drew says calmly even though his voice breaks slightly. After about 5 minutes I pull away.

"Liv where is she?" I ask worried, Drew's face is instantly flooded with sadness.

"She's in the room, the doctor said she banged her head hard, she might have a concussion, they're trying to figure it out." Drew says calmly but anger floods his eyes.

We both take the couch and Drew tells me to place head in his lap while we wait for news, Liam keeps flashing through my brain, I need to be strong for Liv, for dad, for Connor, for Drew, for me.

I don't know for how long we stayed like that until the doctor came out of the room, his expression literally screamed something wasn't right.

"What's wrong doctor, is she alright?" Drew asks worried.

The doctor sighs. "She's breathing fine, she doesn't have any other injuries but unfortunately she banged her head slightly too hard on the floor, we tried everything but she won't wake up, we fear she may have fallen into  a coma." The doctor says kindly. My world comes crashing down as I sit back down on the couch.

"Can we see her?" Drew asks softly, his voice breaking, the doctor nods and Drew takes my hand as we walk in the room.

Tubes and machines and the heart monitor, we each take a seat on either side of her bed, Drew has a sad smile and tears are rolling down his face gently, he doesn't wipe them and let's them fall on Liv's hand.

"We apologise but we would appreciate if the patient was alone, she's still in danger, the first 24 hours for a comatose patient are very critical." Drew nods and we both walk out in silence, the moment we're out in the adjacent room, Drew punches the wall hard.

"Easy there, you're going to break the wall." Both our heads turn around to find Damien sitting on one of the couches, he's holding a cloth on the shoulder he got shot.

Drew starts marching towards Damien.

"What the hell are you doing, what is your part in all this?" Drew asks angry, Damien gets up and sighs.

"You should probably get some rest or lay down, I will tell you guys everything when you have rested, your rooms are ready." Damien starts walking out.

"I'm gonna crash here." Drew says staring at the door where Liv is in, I throw my hands around him.

"She'll be alright, I'm sure of it." I say as my voice too breaks, Drew just hugs me tighter before we let go and I follow Damien out of the room.

"I'm sorry about your father." Damien says calmly, I stay silent as we walk through the mansion, he flinches and stops, his wound is still bleeding.

"Shouldn't you be getting that treated?" I ask unsure, my voice is still breaking.

"Shouldn't I first check to see if you're going to make it through the night first?" He says defiantly before carrying on walking, I stay silent and just follow him.

A couple minutes later we stop by another room, he opens the door and I walk in with him.

"I hope this is fine and if you need anything else, just call for someone or if you're not comfortable with anyone, call me." Damien says before leaving the room and closing the door.

Let it all out.

I let it all out as I grab the nearest thing which was the lamp and chug it at the wall breaking it, whatever was on the nightstand ended up on the floor, tears were running down my face uncontrollably, it was all a lie, everything was just a lie, more stuff ended up on the floor, a couple minutes later I collapse on the floor and just hug my knees to my chest.

Damien's  POV

I close the door to her room and take a couple deep more breaths, a loud crash causes me to flinch and I go for the knob.

"Don't go in now Damien, she needs to let it all out." I turn around to find my sister leaning against the wall, I sigh before marching towards her and embracing her in a hug.

"Thank God you're alive!" I breath out in relief.

"I'm sorry stuff didn't go as planned." Davina says pulling back to examine my wound, more crashes came from the room. "Give her space, she lost everything." Davina says and drags me away.

"I'm sorry if stuff didn't go according to plan too, I know how much you sacrificed with Connor and your relationship with him." I say defeated.

Davina doesn't say anything.

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