Chapter 31

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"Why, is your boyfriend here?" Creepy guy asks sarcastically, he leans in and I push my head further against the wall and than creepy guy is pulled away from me harshly and Damien towers over me.

"He is and trust me you don't want to mess with him." Damien says threatening, creepy guy looks up to Damien and tilts his head to look at me.

"What about sharing, deep down inside every man there's a monster, let him out and share the sexy ass bitch." The guy says standing up and smirking, I felt Damien's body tense up.

Aren't you supposed to distract him so he doesn't go all evil on the other guy.

Damien starts marching towards the guy, I quickly grab his hand getting his attention.

"It's not worth it, let us just go back inside." I say sternly, Damien's stormy gray eyes are clouded with rage, he nods before grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the club and to the limo, he doesn't wait for the chauffeur to open the door before getting in, he doesn't let go of my hand until we reach this beautiful and expensive penthouse, only than does he accepted let go of my hand.

He marched to this mini bar and pours himself a drink and gulps it down instantly and turns back to stare at me.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Damien says angry, I stare at him confused.

"What do you mean, the guy had dragged me outside." I say confused, Damien lets out a sinister chuckle.

"Are you sure it wasn't because you saw Liam?" Damien says pouring himself another drink.

"Why would I get myself nearly raped because of him?" I ask angry.

"Because you love him!" Damien yelled. "You fucking love him and wanted to see if he was going to help you, if he was going to be a fucking superhero." I stare at him shocked and angry, I take off my shoe and chug at him with everything in me hitting him straight in his chest causing him to stagger back a couple steps backs from shock.

"You stupidly foolish pumpkin, why in the name of lord would I want to make Liam jealous with that creep, if I wanted than I would have picked a better guy!" I yell angry, Damien stares at me completely shocked, I grab my other shoe and chug it at him, this time he catches it.

"Stop throwing your shoes at me." Damon says rolling his eyes, I grab the next closest thing, which was a pillow from the couch, and throw that too smacking it on his face.

"You stupid pumpkin." I say angry and turn to leave but I'm turned around.

"Sorry, wasn't my intention to jump to conclusions." Damien says genuinely, I sigh.

"It's fine and thank you for saving me." I say with a nod, Damon lets go of my hand and I take a couple step backs to admire the apartment. "Why are we here and what is here?" I ask and walk to the huge windows that look out to the vast city, the view was spectacular.

"Well this is just my house, where I usually come when I need a relaxation time." Damien says walking to stand beside me. "You can stay here tonight if you want or if you're comfortable back in the mansion than I'll take you back."

"It's fine, this is beautiful." I say and continue to stare out the window.

"If you like this view than wait till you see the upstairs one." Damien says smiling and puts a hand on my back and I wince causing him to look at me confused. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, it must have been when I was thrown against the wall." I say with a shrug, I try looking back failing really miserably, Damien chuckles going behind me."Whoa, what are you doing?" I ask confused.

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